Studies Of The Adoption And Use Of Location And Communication Technologies By The Trucking Industry

Scapinakis, Dimitris A.
Garrison, William Louis

Describes current and proposed investigations on the adoption and use of positioning (navigation) and communication technologies by the trucking industry.

Fuzzy Traffic Density Homogenizer For Automated Highway Systems

Chien, C. C.
Ioannou, P.
Chu, C.K.

In this paper, a fuzzy traffic density homogenizer is proposed to alleviate or avoid congestion by smoothing the traffic density distribution profile over freeway lanes. The proposed fuzzy homogenizer consists of two parts: the fuzzy mean speed controller and the fuzzy on- ramp controller. Simulation results are used to demonstrate that the proposed controllers can eliminate traffic flow instabilities leading to smooth traffic flows.

Vehicle/Driver Monitoring for Enhanced Safety of Transit Buses

Shi, Mingyu
Tomizuka, Masayoshi

This report documents the findings of the study “Vehicle/Driver Monitoring for Enhanced Safety of Transit Buses” conducted as part of the PATH project TO5400. The goal of study TO5400 is todesign and implementation of a reliable vehicle/driver monitoring system with aim to enhance driving safety of transit buses.The main objectives of the project are: (1) to identify a simply model that best describes the driving patterns of human drivers, and (2) to develop an algorithm which can generate warning messages when there is a provision of danger.In this study, it is assumed that the driver...

Evaluation Of Radio Links And Networks

Linnartz, Jean-Paul M.G.
Diesta, Rolando F.

This study evaluates the performance of radio links and networks to support communication with Automatic Vehicle Control Systems (AVCS). It addresses both vehicle-to-vehicle communication and roadside-to-vehicle communication. The report contributes to the modelling of short range vehicle-to-vehicle channels, not only in terms of documenting measured results and channel parameters, but also in extending existing models to cover antenna mobility at both receiver and transmitter simultaneously. These models are applied to compute the Bit Error Rate performance over radio links. The network...

Model of Human Vehicle Driving- A Predictive Nonlinear Optimization Approach

Prokop, Günther

When driving a vehicle the human acts as a controller in a highly dynamic environment. Thus human behavior in that control loop has to a large extent been described using control theoretical methodology. We develop a driver model, in which driving is seen as a model predictive control task in such away that the driver accumulates knowledge about his/her vehicle‘s handling properties. He/she builds a model out of that knowledge and uses it to predict the vehicle’s future reactions on his/her control inputs. The human’s behavioral optimization is reflected in the driver model by using that...

Automated Truck Platoon Control

Lu, Xiao-Yun
Shladover, Steven E.

This report shows a successful application of 5.9 GHz DSRC with 100 ms update intervals to coordinate the automatic longitudinal control of a platoon of three Class 8 tractor-trailer trucks. The trucks were tested not only in constant-speed cruising conditions, but also through acceleration and deceleration profiles, up and down grades, and in platoon join and split maneuvers using the DSRC coordination. These tests showed acceptable vehicle following accuracy, ride quality and platoon stability. The gaps between the trucks were varied between 10 m and 4 m to evaluate the effects of...

Bay Area ATIS Testbed Plan

Khattak, Asad
Al-Deek, Haitham
Yim, Youngbin
Hall, Randolf

Several factors have motivated the development of Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS); among them are growing traffic congestion, concern for environmental degradation, the need to improve safety, and the desire to best utilize existing transportation infrastructure. Within the framework of M-IS, Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) will provide historical, real-time and predictive information to support travel decisions. ATIS offers significant benefits interms of improving the travel experience of individuals and enhancing system performance. In the long-term, ATIS may...

Capacity Of Automated Highway Systems: Effect Of Platooning And Barriers

Tsao, H. S. Jacob
Hall, Randolf
Hongola, Bruce

In this paper, the authors study the capacity of key Automated Highway Systems (AHS) operating scenarios. The effect of the lane-flow rule, platooning or free-agent, as well as the lane barriers, on AHS capacity are studied. Special attention is paid to the interaction between the lane-flow rule and the lane change requirement. The paper consists of two major components, analytical models and AHS simulation. After a brief introduction of AHS operating strategies, analytical models are developed for general AHS. For simulation, the authors focus on a segregated AHS that has one automated...

Lateral Guidance System Requirements Definition

Parsons, Robert E.
Zhang, Wei-Bin

The Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) is assisting the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) to establish and conduct a program of advanced highway technology R&D to obtain better productivity from the States’ most used highway segments. The Program on Advanced Technology for the High-way, PATH, centers on advanced technology opportunities that may contribute to the relief of traffic congestion, with related problems of air pollution and parking; and on energy for transportation, in particular continued use of petroleum based fuels.

Robust Lateral Control of Heavy Duty Vehicles

Tai, Meihua
Wang, Jeng-Yu
White, Ryan
Tomizuka, Masayoshi

In this report, achievements under MOU385, robust lateral control of heavy vehicles for automated highway systems are presented. The purpose of this project are: to design new controllers or redesign existing controllers for lateral control of heavy vehicles to improve performance; to evaluate designed controllers by experiments and to study autonomous vehicle following control. Toward this goal, we have obtained three main results during year 2000-2001, which are presented in this report.