The Market for Traffic Information-Study of Industry Structure and Prospects

Chan, Shirley
Malchow, Matthew
Kanafani, Adib

The market for traffic information has grown considerably in the past 10 years. Traffic information is different from other goods because the cost to users is negligible and the product is indirectly priced. As a result of these unique characteristics, the classic economic model can not be applied to determine the price or the amount of information which would be produced and consumed under competitive equilibrium. Examination of the history of traffic information as a marketable good and the structure of the market indicate that traffic information providers are experiencing significant...

Implementation of Advanced Techniques for Automated Freeway Incident Detection

Abdulhai, Baher
Ritchie, Stephen G.
Iyer, Mahadevan

A significant body of research on advanced techniques for automated freeway incident detection has been conducted at the University of California, Irvine (UCI). Such advanced pattern recognition techniques as artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been thoroughly investigated and their potential superiority to other techniques has been demonstrated. Of the investigated ANN architectures, two have shown the best potential for real-time implementation: namely, the Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN), (Abdulhai and Ritchie 1997), and the Multi-Layer-Feed-Forward Neural Network (MLF), (Cheu and...

Automatic Diagnostics of Loop Detectors and the Data Collection System in the Berkeley Highway Lab

May, Adolf
Coifman, Benjamin
Cayford, Randall
Merritt, Greg

This document is the final report for the 2003 Berkeley Highway Laboratory (BHL) project that is part of the University of California's PATH program and supported by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The primary objectives of this project have been to maintain, improve, and conduct research on the BHL detector system. This report contains seven chapters that describe the work undertaken and the results of each task of the project. The first chapter introduces the project, provides a project background, and a site description. The next five chapters describe the...

Control of Heavy-Duty Trucks: Environmental and Fuel Economy Considerations

Zhang, Jianlong
Ioannou, Petros

In this project we investigate the effect of heavy-duty trucks, equipped with different Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems, on the environment and traffic flow characteristics. The sluggish dynamics of trucks whether manual or ACC that is due to their limited acceleration capabilities filter speed disturbances caused by leading vehicles and lead to beneficial effects on the environment and traffic flow characteristics. This response however may lead to higher travel times in certain situations as well as invite cut-ins from neighboring lanes causing additional disturbances. A new ACC...

An Assessment of Loop Detector and RTMS Performance

Coifman, Benjamin

Traffic detectors support most traffic management applications, so it is important that a detector performs as expected. This study evaluates the performance of four loop sensor models and the Remote Traffic Microwave Sensor (RTMS), adding to the body of sensor performance knowledge through the use of new analytical techniques. The study collected contact closure data from all five of the detectors and concurrent video data. Each loop sensor was deployed following Caltrans guidelines for at least 24 hours across dual loop detectors in each lane of I-80, north of Oakland, CA. The research...

Evaluation of Feasibility of UAV Technologies for Remote Surveying BART Rail Systems


Routine inspection and monitoring of railway tracks and facilities is an important task to ensure operational safety. The existing standard manual and rail vehicle based investigation are substantially time consuming and inaccurate. UAV-based autonomous monitoring and inspection technology has shown great potential in many fields and industries but it has been rarely explored in railway transit systems. UC Berkeley California Partners for Advanced Transportation Technologies   (PATH) in partnership with Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) investigated  the application...

Power System Reliability for Precision Docking and Electronic Guidance Systems

Nesgaard, Carsten
Sanders, Seth
Zhang, Wei-Bin

This final reports the fault analysis of precision docking system and safety design of the safety critical elements for precision docking system. The report includes three Parts, including:Part I provides a description of the Precision Docking System and reports analysis for fault diagnosis and safety design of automated steering controller and Electronic Control Unit (ECU) for steering actuator. It also reports a demonstration PATH conducted during the National Intelligent Vehicle Initiative demonstration organized by the US Department of Transportation Joint Program Office.Part II report...

Carlink- A Smart Carsharing System Field Test Report

Shaheen, Susan
Wright, John
Dick, David
Novick, Linda

The CarLink field test combined short-term rental vehicles with communication and reservation technologies to facilitate shared-vehicle access. The ten-month demonstration was implemented and researched by two teams at the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis. Project partners included American Honda Motor Company, BART, Caltrans, PATH, and LLNL. INVERS and Teletrac provided advanced carsharing and vehicle tracking technologies.

Highway Electrification And Automation Technologies - Regional Impacts Analysis Project: Phase Iii: Impacts Analysis Results


This report presents the third, and final, phase of the Highway Electrification and Automation Technologies Regional Impacts Analysis Project (HE&A). The focus of Phase III report is the assessment of regional impacts associated with application of roadway electrification, and automation technologies to selected freeway sections in the Southern California region.

Development And Experimental Evaluation Of Autonomous Vehicles For Roadway/vehicle Cooperative Driving

Ioannou, Petros

Automatic vehicle following is an important feature of a fully or partially automated highway system (AHS). The on-board vehicle control system should be able to accept and process inputs from the driver, the infrastructure and other vehicles, perform diag- nostics and provide the appropriate commands to actuators so that the resulting motion of the vehicle is safe and compatible with the AHS objectives. The purpose of this paper is to design and test a vehicle control system in order to achieve full vehicle automation in the longitudinal direction for several modes of operation, where the...