Bus Operations in Santa Clara County, Potential Uses of AVL, and Framework for Evaluating Control Strategies

Chira-Chavala, T.
Gillen, David
Klieman, Lee
Marshall, Amy

The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), which provides public transportation to citizens of Santa Clara County, California, operates buses, light rail, and paratransit service. The VTA is currently installing automatic vehicle location (AVL) equipment on its bus fleet. This report presents the results of Phase 1 research, which examines the various performance and operational characteristics of the fixed-route bus system operated by the VTA. The purpose is to identify performance characteristics of the bus system that should and could be improved with and without utilizing...

Brake System Modeling and Control

Hedrick, J. K.
Uchanski, M.

MOU308 provides solutions to two common brake control problems: variable brake torque gain and brake rotor-induced brake torque oscillations. The adaptive control solution for the variable brake torque gain problem is shown to work experimentally, and the algorithm to eliminate brake torque oscillations is demonstrated in simulation. In addition, documentation is provided for differential braking hardware, wheel speed measurement hardware, and a strain-based brake torque sensor that were constructed to test these algorithms.

Smart Parking Management Pilot Project: A Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Parking Demonstration

Shaheen, Susan
Rodier, Caroline
Eaken, Amanda M.

In almost every major city in the U.S. and internationally, parking problems are ubiquitous. It is well known that the limited availability of parking contributes to roadway congestion, air pollution, and driver frustration and that the cost of expanding traditional parking capacity is frequently prohibitive. However, less research has addressed the effect of insufficient parking at transit stations on transit use. In the San Francisco Bay Area, parking has recently been at or near capacity at many of the 31 Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District stations with parking facilities. Smart...

A Field-Deployable Real-Time Laser-Based Non-Intrusive Detection System for Measurement of True Travel Time on the Highway

Cheng, Harry H.
Shaw, Ben
Palen, Joe
Wang, Zhaoqing
Chen, Bo

In this research project we are developing a roadway detection system that can directly determineO/D data non-intrusively without violating the public's privacy (as in license plate recognitionsystems). While we have previously developed a real-time laser-based non-intrusive detectionsystem for measurement of true travel time on the highway, we improved the system further. Afeed-back loop, using microchip control, was introduced into the system. This makes the systemeasy to use. The mechanical components were also improved to increase the precision of thesystem. Software to display the...

A Vehicle Collision Model for Platoon Controller Development

Tongue, Benson H.
Packard, Andrew
Harriman, Douglas

This is the final report of the research program “Compatibility of Vehicles Within a Platoon (MOU-156).” This research area is continuing under a different, contract and thus, although the work presented herein is complete unto itself, the overall research goals laid out at the beginning of the program will not be attained until the conclusion of the entire related research effort.The material presented in this report provides a description of a simple dynamical model that can be used for determining the physical interaction of vehicles in a collision scenario. Such a model is of use in...

Development of A Path Flow Estimator for Inferring Steady-State and Time-Dependent Origin-Destination Trip Matrices

Zhang, Michael
Nie, Yu
Shen, Wei
Lee, Ming S.
Jansuwan, Sarawut
Chootinan, Piya
Pravinvongvuth, Surachet
Chen, Anthony
Recker, Will W.

Reliable origin/destination (O-D) data are critical to many applications in transportation planning, design and operations. Because of the high costs of and challenges in obtaining reliable O-D trip matrices from surveys or other direct sampling methods, estimating O-D trip tables from a readily available data source, traffic counts, provides an attractive, economical alternative. This project investigates one such an estimation method and implements it in a user-friendly software tool called Visual PFE TD. The developed O-D estimation tool can be used to obtain both static and dynamic O-D...

The I-880 Field Experiment: Effectiveness Of Incident Detection Using Cellular Phones

Skabardonis, Alexander
Chira-chavala, Ted
Rydzewski, Daniel

This report describes the evaluation of the effectiveness and adequacy of cellular phones for incident detection as an alternative to infrastructure-based surveillance systems. The analysis was part of the I-880 field experiment using the California Highway Patrol's (CHP) Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) incident database. Cellular phones have the highest detection rate among the examined detection sources. Results from the study, however, indicate that incidents reported by cellular phones show greater incident durations than similar incidents reported by the CHP or the Freeway Service...

Field Operational Test of Tools for Facilitating Smart Travel Choices Through Real-Time Information

Zhou, Kun
Wang, Yanqiao
Li, Jingquan
Wachs, Marty
Walker, Joan
Meng, Huadong
Friedman, Jason
Zhang, Wei-Bin

This report documents an effort to assess whetherintegrated multimodal real-time traveler information can encouragetravelers to consider transit as a more viable choice. Under the sponsorship of the California Department of Transportationand in partnership with the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority,California PATH developed and field tested Trip2go --a suite of web-based and mobile-phone-based applications incorporating real-time transit and highway condition information. Both objective and surveys were collected to support statistical and modeling analyses to evaluate the...

Finding and Analyzing True Effect of Non-recurrent Congestion on Mobility and Safety

Varaiya, Pravin

This report summarizes empirical research about the causes and impact of non-recurrent congestion. A method is presented to divide the total congestion delay in a freeway section into six components: the delay caused by incidents, special events, lane closures, and adverse weather; the potential reduction in delay at bottlenecks that ideal ramp metering can achieve; and the remaining delay, due mainly to excess demand. The method can be applied to any site with minimum calibration, but it requires data about traffic volume and speed; the time and location of incidents, special events and...

Improving Mobility through Enhanced Transit Services: Transit Taxi Service for Areas with Low Passenger Demand Density

Li, Yuwei
Miller, Mark
Cassidy, Michael

This research report is the final deliverable for PATH Task Order 6408: “Improving Mobility through Enhanced Transit Services”. The purpose of this task order is to explore alternative methods of providing transit service to areas with low passenger demand density. This report first presents analytical models for determining optimal headway and line spacing for fixed-route, fixed schedule buses, either with fixed stops or allowing buses to stop anywhere along the route. Next, transit taxi services with either fixed or flexible routes that specifically target focused demand patterns are...