Safetrip-21: Connected Traveler

Sengupta, Raja
Misener, Jim
Ahern, Katherine
Chan, Ching-Yao
Gupta, Somak Datta
Jariyasunant, Jerry
Li, Jing-Quan
Long, Christopher
Mai, Eric
Manasseh, Christian
Nowakowski, Christopher
O’Connell, Jessica
Rezai, Shahram
Steelhorst, Michael
Zhang, Liping
Zhang, Wei-Bin
Zhou, Kun
Zhou, Xeusong

The US DOT RITA Volpe Center entered into a cooperative agreement with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to establish the inaugural SafeTrip 21 field test site in the San Francisco Bay area [named Connected Traveler]. Specifically, the site encompasses I-880 from Oakland to San Jose on the east bay and from San Jose to just south of the San Francisco International Airport, along U.S. 101 and California State Route (SR) 82. The site includes the SR-84 Dumbarton Bridge toll crossing, which links I-880 and U.S. 101. Caltrans's partners include the Metropolitan...

Integration of GPS/INS and Magnetic Markers for Advanced Vehicle Control Final Report for MOU 391

Farrell, Jay
Barth, Matthew

This report describes the results of a project supported by California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH). The main objective of the project is to develop and demonstrate a triple redundancy navigation system incorporating magnetometer, inertial, and carrier phase differential Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements. The motivating application for this project is lateral vehicle control. Therefore, the system was design to operate reliably whether or not GPS and magnetometer measurements were available. The navigation system provides vehicle position, velocity,...

Evaluation of Caltrans District 10 Automated Warning System: Year Two Progress Report

MacCarley, Art

District 10 of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) encompasses an area of seasonal fog and dust-related visibility problems that have been the cause of numerous multi-car traffic collisions, many fatal. In 1990, motivated by the expansion of State Route 120 (SR 120) connecting Interstate Highway 5 (I-5) and State Route 99 (SR 99), Caltrans proposed a sophisticated multi-sensor automated warning system as a means for reducing incidents in this high-traffic area. This proposal, and the significant development effort that followed, culminated in the implementation of Phase...

Development and Implementation of a Vehicle-Centered Fault Diagnostic and Management System for the Extended PATH-AHS Architecture: Part II

Yi, Jingang
Suryanarayanan, Shashikanth
Howell, Adam
Horowitz, Roberto
Tomizuka, Masayoshi
Hedrick, Karl

This project is a continuation of MOU 373. It concludes ongoing research to extend and integrateexisting results on fault diagnostic and fault management research, and develop a comprehensivefault management system. Features include a multi-layer fault diagnostic and management system,diagnosis of faults in the sensors and actuators of the lateral and longitudinal control systems, detec-tion of faults in the most vital sensors and actuators, and development of a systematic methodologyfor processing diagnostic residues. Experimental implementation and testing of the completed sys-tem is...

Development of Requirement Specifications for Transit Frontal Collision Warning System

Wang, Xiqin
Lins, Joanne
Chan, Ching-Yao
Johnston, Scott
Zhou, Kun
Steinfeld, Aaron
Hanson, Matt
Zhang, Wei-Bin

The U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) initiated the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) Program with the goal of improving safety through the application of advanced technologies. The frontal collision warning function has been identified as one of the key safety improvement measures for the transit vehicle platform of the IVI Program. Frontal collision, defined as a bus colliding with a vehicle in front of the bus, is a frequent incident in transit bus operations and the cause of property damage, personal injuries, and interruption to bus operations. A team that includes San...

Smartpath Regulation Layer Implementation: A User's Guide

Carbaugh, Jason
Alvarez, Luis
Chen, Pin-yen
Horowitz, Roberto

This report describes the implementation of the regulation layer maneuvers for the hierarchical architecture in SmartPath. The report contains information regarding the simulation of automated vehicle control laws in the SmartPath environment. It also provides an overview of the set of maneuvers currently implemented.

Issues In Fault Tolerant Control Of Vehicle Follower Systems

Hedrick, J. K.
Garg, V.

The aim of this report is to study issues concerning fault detection and identification in vehicle follower control. The report discusses various potential fault modes among sensors, and actuators used in the vehicle following experiments in cars. It deals with issues of fault detection of sensors and actuators for vehicle following applications.

Alternative Traffic Signal Illumination

Cohn, Theodore E.
Greenhouse, Daniel
Knowles, Richard

New technologies have enabled the production of traffic signals that have significant advantages over standard incandescent signals, including greater energy efficiency and lower maintenance costs. Before the new signals are installed in the field, it is important to assure that they as visible as the older signals. We have developed a quality index we term the usability factor (UF) which can be used to evaluate the visibility of a new device relative to that of a standard reference lamp. We have measured UF's of a variety of new types of lamps by means of heterochromatic flicker...

Extracting More Information from the Existing Freeway Traffic Monitoring Infrastructure

Coifman, Benjamin

This report presents the results of TO 5302, Extracting More Information from the Existing Freeway Traffic Monitoring Infrastructure. This report represents significant advances in the PATH sponsored research into vehicle reidentification from conventional loop detectors, first by extending the methodology across major merge and diverge freeway sections. Second, it extends the methodology to single loop detectors. The report also extends the understanding of traffic phenomena impacting both traffic flow and the performance of the reidentification algorithms. It examines the impacts of lane...

Safety Assessment of Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems (AVCSS): A Case Study

Chan, Ching-Yao
Zhang, Wei-Bin
El Koursi, El Miloudi
Lemaire, Etienne

Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems (AVCSS) involve several safety critical functionssuch as vehicle longitudinal and lateral control. It is required that the system be able to prevent ormitigate hazardous conditions. The system must be capable of tolerating failures and, whenfailures are no longer tolerable, be fail-safe. In order to verify the safety of a system, anassessment or evaluation methodology must be developed and implemented prior toimplementation of new technologies such that errors in the processes of specification, design,development, and integration can be revealed...