Augmented Speed Enforcement Project at UC Berkeley - Executive Summary

Chan, Ching-Yao
Gupta, Somak Datta

In this project, a speed alert and augmented enforcement system (aSE) was developed with a combination of sensing, image processing and recognition, wireless communication. The system includes a speed camera that captures speeding vehicles, and a changeable message sign that displays speeder’s license plate number and measured speed, and a web page that allows police officers to monitor the incidence of violators traveling at excessive speeds. The aSE system was field tested for a work zone application on a rural highway. With data collected over multiple weeks, under a baseline scenario...

Analysis of Traffic Flow With Mixed Manual and Intelligent Cruise Control Vehicles: Theory and Experiments

Bose, Arnab
Ioannou, Petros

During the last decade considerable research and development efforts have been devotedto automating vehicles in an effort to improve safety and efficiency of vehicular traffic.While dedicated highways with fully automated vehicles is a future objective, theintroduction of Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) vehicles on current highways designed tooperate with manually driven vehicles is a realistic near term objective. The purpose ofthis report is to analyze the effects on traffic flow characteristics and environment whenICC vehicles with automatic vehicle following capability (in the same...

Feasibility Study Of Advanced Technology Hov Systems: Volume 3: Benefit Implications Of Alternative Policies For Including Hov Lanes In Route Guidance Networks

Chira-Chavala, T.
Lin, W. H.

This study investigates issues concerning the implementation and impacts of lateral guidance/control systems and the phased implementation of these systems in exclusive-access High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes. The study is divided into 5 volumes. The objectives of each volume are as follows: Vol. 1: identify strategies for early deployment of longitudinal control technologies on the highway, and to evaluate potential impacts of these strategies on traffic operation, highway capacity, and traffic accidents. Vol. 2A: assess the feasibility of early deployment of Roadway Powered Electric...

A Simulation-based Framework For The Analysis Of Traffic Networks Operating With Real-time Information

Jayakrishnan, R.
Cohen, Michael
Kim, John
Mahmassani, Hani S.
Hu, Ta-yin

The focus of this research project was to develop a new simulation framework for analyzing traffic networks with Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) and/or Advanced Traffic Management Systems ( ATMS). The report describes the development of DYNASMART (DYnamic Network Assignment-Simulation Model for Advanced Road Telematics). The report is presented as follows: Chapter 1 discusses the simulation approach of DYNASMART and explains the traffic control features incorporated in it during the research. Chapter 2 discuss the simulations performed with a trial network with ATMS controls....

Vehicle Navigation And Route Guidance Technologies: Push And Pull Factors Assessment

Ygnace, Jean-luc
Lavallee, Paul
Al-Deek, Haitham M.

This study focusses on the development of navigation and route guidance technologies with an emphasis on existing systems, industrial strategies, market approach and human factors considerations. By considering the different situations in the US, Europe, and Japan the report analyzes the conditions under which one reasonably could assume a wide spread of these technologies with social and individual benefits.

Virtual Weigh Stations in California: A Preliminary Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Santero, Nicholas
Nokes, William
Harvey, John

A new technology known as Virtual Weigh Stations (VWS) is intended to transform data-collecting weigh-in-motion (WIM) sites to weight enforcement mechanisms. This study investigates the possible benefits to the highway pavements in California from potential use of VWS. The investigation proceeded in two steps: (1) determining the damage currently caused by overweight trucks and (2) modeling the potential pavement life saved with VWS. The data used for analysis is from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) WIM database.

Development and Evaluation of Selected Mobility Applications for VII

Shladover, Steven E.
Lu, Xiao-Yun
Cody, Delphine
Nowakowski, Christopher
Qiu, Zhijun (Tony)
Chow, Andy
O’Connell, Jessica
Nienhuis, Jaap
Su, Dongyan

This report describes the development of two of the three mobility applications that PATH is developing and evaluating under the sponsorship of the FHWA Exploratory Advanced Research Program, with cost share funding provided by PATH TO 6224. These applications are intended to use DSRC wireless communications among vehicles and between vehicles and the roadway infrastructure to improve mobility on limited-access highways. The first application combines ramp metering with variable speed limits to enhance control of traffic so that traffic flow breakdowns can be deferred or avoided at...

Design Of A Machine Vision-based, Vehicle Actuated Traffic Signal Controller

Cassidy, Michael
Coifman, Benjamin

This project presents a signal controller algorithm to capitalize on the extended information provided by wide-area detection at isolated intersections. Using computer simulation, different control strategies are evaluated and the performance of the proposed wide-area detection system with conventional signal controllers is compared. The results indicate that wide-area vehicle actuated (VA) control can yield significant improvements over conventional VA control strategies.

Parameter Estimation and Supervisory Techniques for Robust Longitudinal Control of Heavy Vehicles

Druzhinina, Maria
Moklegaard, Lasse
Stefanopoulou, Anna G.

This report describes the development and experimental validation of a coordination scheme between friction and discretely variable compression brakes for a Class 8 Freightliner truck used as a development platform in the California PATH program. The coordination scheme that we developed maintains the speed tracking performance of the nominal PID controller which was originally designed by the UCLA team for the case of friction brakes only. Through the coordination scheme, the command of the nominal PID controller is split into a friction brake command and compression brake command. The...

Simulation Of IVHS On The Smart Corridor Using The Integration Model: Phase 1: Initial Investigations

Gardes, Yonnel
May, Adolf D.

The general objective of this project is to evaluate the potential benefits of Advanced Traveler Information Systems and Advanced Traffic Management Systems on the Smart Corridor. This report describes Phase 1 of the project in which the INTEGRATION traffic simulation model is used to help simulate ATIS and ATMS on a freeway/arterial environment.