Intelligent Diagnosis Based On Validated And Fused Data For Relilability And Safety Enhancement Of Automated Vehicles In An IVHS

Agogino, Alice
Chao, Susan
Goebel, Kai
Alag, Satnam
Cammon, Bradly
Wang, Jiangxin

Vehicles in an IVHS system rely heavily on information obtained from sensors. So far, most control systems make the implicit assumption that sensor information is always correct. However, in reality, sensor information is always corrupted to some degree by noise which varies with operating conditions, environmental conditions, and other factors. In addition, sensors can fail due to a variety of reasons. To overcome these shortcomings, sensor validation is needed to assess the integrity of the sensor information and adjust or correct as appropriate. In the presence of redundant information...

A System Review of Magnetic Sensing System for Ground Vehicle Control and Guidance

Chan, Ching-yao

This report contains research results of studies on magnetic marker systems that are used as a posi-tionreference system for Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems. Effects of external objectsand earth background fields on such systems are investigated with experimental measurements inPart I. The results show that signal processing techniques must be adopted in field applications toimprove the accuracy and robustness of sensing algorithms. Part II of the report contains experimen-talresults from an evaluation study of PATH marker system and 3M Tape system. The objective isto identify...

Clean Hydrogen for Transportation Applications: Report

Miller, Marshall, PhD
Weinert, Jonathan
Nicholas, Michael

The California Department of Transportation, as part of their involvement in the California Hydrogen Highway initiative, is planning to construct a hydrogen station at their new maintenance facility in Sylmar, CA (Shop 7, at the junction of I-5 and I-405). This report was written to provide Caltrans information on the design and cost of various hydrogen station types. This information will be used to guide decision-making in choosing the station type and size to meet the anticipated hydrogen vehicle demand at their new facility.

Evaluation of Truck and Bus Automation Scenarios: Operations Cost Analysis

Botha, Jan
Day, Jennifer E.
Adibhatla, Nagabhargavi

Automated bus and truck systems hold the potential to improve road safety by eliminating some human error, increase the vehicle throughput by allowing vehicle convoying to shorten headways, and reduce costs associated with infrastructure, user time, and drivers. In this study, an automated bus system (ABUS) was compared with more-conventional light rail and bus-on-dedicated-lane (BDL) alternatives. A cost comparison (excluding accident costs) was also made among an automated freight trucking system (AHS-Truck), a no-build base condition, and configurations involving the addition of a...

Coordinating Automated Vehicles via Communication

Bana, Soheila Vahdati

This dissertation addresses the coordination of automated vehicles in an Auto- mated Highway System (AHS). Tra c in an AHS is organized as tightly spaced platoons to increase road capacity and safety. Vehicles in AHS are automated and their safe interaction is the subject of this research. This dissertation discusses issues in the design and imple- mentation of a controller for automated vehicles that coordinates the interaction between vehicles. We rst de ne a formalism for safe interaction of automated vehicles and then design a controller algorithm for an individual vehicle that...

Experimental Results Of Fuzzy Logic Control For Lateral Vehicle Guidance

Hessburg, Thomas
Peng, Hei
Zhang, Wei-bin
Arai, Alan
Tomizuka, Masayoshi

A Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is designed and implemented in real time on a Toyota Celica test vehicle to achieve control of the lateral motion of the vehicle. The structure of the FLC is modularized as a feedback, preview, and gain scheduling rule base. The parameters of the FLC are tuned manually using information from characteristics of human driving operation and an existing controller. The fuzzy logic control strategies are implemented on the test vehicle, automatically following a multiple curved track using discrete magnetic markers as a lateral error reference system. The test...

Roadway Powered Electric Vehicle Project Track Construction And Testing Program Phase 3D

Systems Control Technology, Inc.

This report covers the construction and testing of a Roadway Powered Electric Vehicle (RPEV) proof-of-concept system. The test facility was built at the University of California Richmond Field Station. The facility has a 700-foot test track and an operational 35-passenger RPEV. The report contains an introduction to the concept of RPEV and discusses the following aspects of the project: systems engineering and design, vehicle, facilities, testing, related RPEV research, and control circuits.

Incident Management: Process Analysis and Improvement

Hall, Randolph W.

This is the final report for the project Incident Management:Process Analysis and Improvement.The report summarizes findings from three earlier working papers (1998-31,2000-14 and 2000-15)completed under this project, and provides additional analysis on specific scenarios. This study highlights the importance of the following principles: 1)Response units should be adequate in number to handle anticipated demand. 2)Response units should be strategically located to minimize maximum response times. 3)Especially during busy periods,response units should not be dispatched over long distances.It...

Fault Detection And Identification With Application To Advanced Vehicle Control Systems

Douglas, Randal K.
Chung, Walter H.
Malladi, Durga P.
Chen, Robert H.
Speyer, Jason L.
Mingori, D. Lewis

This report continues work on the design of a health monitoring system for automated vehicles. The approach is designed to fuse data from dissimilar instruments using modeled dynamic relationships and fault detection and identification filters. Issues relating to sensor models, output separability, steady-state fault persistence and the spectral content of sensor faults are considered.

SPRINTER Rail: Grade Crossing/Traffic Signal Optimization Study

Wu, Guoyuan
Li, Irene
Zhang, Wei-Bin
Johnston, Scott
Li, Meng
Zhou, Kun

This report investigates impacts to local traffic operations at intersections adjacent to signal preemption by SPRINTER commuter trains and countermeasures that would minimize these impacts. Optimization models have been developed to estimate the waiting queue at the end of the preemption operation and to quickly clear the queue while minimizing overall traffic delay. Based on the optimization models, optimized signal timing plans for a total of 10 intersections were proposed, which are designed to facilitate the clearance of the queue accumulated during the preemption, as well as to...