A Low-cost Wireless MeMS System for Measuring Dynamic Pavement Loads


Work done under this "Innovative Proposal" may be summarized as follows. A closed-form series solution is provided for the displacement of a pavement loaded by a truck modeled as an Euler beam with elastic foundation under a moving load. A method is developed to estimate the load based on accelerometer measurements. Lastly, it was found that the measurement system that we built was not suited for the problem at hand because the accelerometer bandwidth was too high and the system could not isolate the accelerometer from ambient noise. This led to a new measurement system design. However, that design could not be built because of the limited resources available.

Varaiya, Pravin
Publication date: 
December 1, 2008
Publication type: 
Research Report
Varaiya, P. (2008). A Low-cost Wireless MeMS System for Measuring Dynamic Pavement Loads (UCB-ITS-PRR-2008-36). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/7kk2v9h3