
Insights on Autonomous Vehicle Policy from Early Adopter Cities and Regions

Chatman, Daniel G., PhD
Moran, Marcel E.

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are being widely tested and piloted to carry passengers and freight. However, the potential uses and impacts of AVs in communities are uncertain. There are claims that AVs may be able to improve road safety, make travel more convenient, lower shipping costs, and reduce the need for automobile parking. But there are also concerns that AVs may increase road congestion, reduce transit ridership, compete for curb space, and even increase urban sprawl. To better understanding how cities and regions are currently engaging with and planning for AVs, twenty interviews...

MPO Planning and Implementation of State Policy Goals

Barbour, Elisa
Rodriguez, Emil
Thoron, Noah
Handy, Susan
Lee, Amy

MPO Planning and Implementation of State Policy Goals evaluates California metropolitan planning organizations’ regional transportation plans and sustainable communities strategies and looks at the relationship between MPO plans and what is actually funded through transportation improvement programs.

Evaluation of California State and Regional Transportation Plans and Their Prospects for Attaining State Goals

Deakin, Elizabeth
Chow, Chun Ho
Son, Daisy
Handy, Susan
Barbour, Elisa
Lee, Amy
Rodriguez, Emil
Gahbauer, John
Coutin, Talia
Matute, Juan
Rios Gutierrez, Alejandra
Rios Gutierrez, Nataly
Segal, Katie
Elkind, Ethan
Lamm, Ted

Assembly Bill (AB) 285 (Friedman, 2019) requires the California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) to submit a report to the Legislature by January 31, 2022, that includes the following:An overview of the California Transportation Plan (CTP). An overview of all regional Sustainable Communities Strategies (SCS) and any alternative planning strategies, as needed. An assessment of how the implementation of the CTP and regional plans “will influence the configuration of the statewide integrated multimodal transportation system.”  A “review of the potential impacts and opportunities for...

A Five-Year Development Plan for the California Aviation Database

Tsao, H.-S. Jacob

The California Aviation Database (CAvD) project was suggested by Caltrans Aeronautics Program to fulfill a need of the planners involved in aviation system planning and programming activities to locate and access aviation data and information in an efficient and comprehensive way. CAvD is being implemented in the form of an Internet website and is currently intended as a five-year project. However, the development can be accelerated, and the duration will depend on the available resources. CAvD is a joint project between the National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations Research(...

Riding First Class: Impacts of Silicon Valley Shuttles on Commute & Residential Location Choice

Dai, Danielle
Weinzimmer, David

Employer-provided private shuttles have become a prominent part of the transportation network between San Francisco and Silicon Valley. As the Bay Area plans for transportation investments to meet sustainability goals and accommodate future population and employment growth, an understanding of the role of regional commuter shuttles becomes increasingly important. This study investigates the impacts of private shuttles on commute mode and residential location choice by conducting a travel time comparison and surveying shuttle riders. The authors find that the provision of shuttles and...

Examination of Key Transportation Funding Programs in California and Their Context

Gahbauer, John
Matute, Juan
Coutin, Talia S.
Rios Gutierrez, Alejandra
Rios Gutierrez, Nataly

Examination of Key Transportation Funding Programs in California and Their Context assesses the congruence between funding programs and state goals for transportation. Particular attention is given to major funding sources, such the State Operation and Protection Program, and programs designed to promote key state goals, including the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities program, the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program, the Transformative Climate Communities program, and the Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant program.

The Ethical Challenges and Professional Responses of Travel Demand Forecasters

Brinkman, Anthony P.

Thirty years ago scholars first presented convincing evidence that local officials use biased travel demand forecasts to justify decisions based on unstated considerations. Since then, a number of researchers have demonstrated convincingly that such forecasts are systematically optimistic-often wildly so-for reasons that cannot be explained solely by the inherent difficulty of predicting the future. Why do modelers-professional engineers and planners who use quantitative techniques to predict future demand for travel and estimate its potential impact on built and proposed transportation...

Urban Mass Transit Planning

Homburger, Wolfgang S.
Carroll, J. Douglas, Jr.
Einsweiler, Robert C.
Fertal, Martin J.
Herring, Frank W.
Hyde, Donald C.
Kleiber, Michael C.
Lash, Michael
Pignataro, Louis J.
Sevin, Ali F.

In the fall of 1966 a short course on ’’Urban Mass Transit Planning” was developed by the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn with the assistance of the New York State Science and Technology Foundation and the cooperation of the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. The course was presented both by the Polytechnic Institute in Brooklyn and by the Institute of Transportation and Traffic Engineering, University of California, and University of California Extension, in Asilomar, Calif.A set of course notes was written for that offering and reproduced in limited quantity. Presented herein is an expansion...

Public Transportation Systems:Basic Principles of System Design,Operations Planning and Real-TimeControl

Daganzo, Carlos F.

This document is based on a set of lecture notes prepared in 2007-2010 for a University of California, Berkeley graduate course, Public Transportation Systems, a course targeted to first year graduate students with diverse academic backgrounds. Systems are examined in order of increased complexity so that generic insights evident in simple systems can be put to use as knowledge building blocks for the study of more complex systems. The document is organized in eight modules: five on planning (general, shuttle systems, corridors, two dimensional systems, and unconventional transit); two on...

Pooling Passengers and Services

Forscher, Teddy
Shaheen, Susan, PhD

In the past ten years, passenger and goods movement transportation systems have evolved rapidly. Shared mobility providers are filling gaps in service and creating new markets for delivery; vehicle fleets continue to electrify; and pooled services are increasing vehicle occupancy. The uptake of innovative pooled services, as well as automation, promise to continue the trend of transformative change. As the private sector continues to advance, there is a great need for institutional flexibility in managing and coordinating all users of transportation infrastructure, particularly on the...