
Strategies to Overcome Transportation Barriers for Rent Burdened Oakland Residents

Pan, Alexandra
Shaheen, Susan, PhD

Shared mobility is gaining traction in the transportation community as a potentially more environmentally friendly alternative to automobile travel and complement to public transit. However, adoption and use of shared mobility by low-income individuals lags behind other demographic groups. Additional research is needed to better understand the transportation needs of low-income travelers and how public agencies, community-based organizations, and shared mobility operators can work together to best serve those needs. This research fills gaps in understanding the potential policy strategies...

Generic Time- and Method-Interdependencies of Empirical Impact-Measurements: A Generalizable Model of Adaptation-Processes of Carsharing-Users' Mobility-Behavior Over Time

Firnkorn, Jörg
Shaheen, Susan, PhD

The purpose of this article is to advance empirical sustainability-evaluations of carsharing-systems. Carsharing, a frequently cited example of a product–service system (PSS), is currently morphing from a niche into a mainstream mode of transportation. Carsharing has the potential to provide a more sustainable mobility-option compared to private car usage, for example by reducing the overall motor-vehicle traffic in cities. However, the quantification of this potential is complex, and few studies have analyzed the fundamental impacts of the chosen measurement-methodology on the results of...

Advancing Road User Charge (RUC) Models in California: Understanding Social Equity and Travel Behavior Impacts

Lazarus, Jessica
Broader, Jacquelyn
Cohen, Adam
Bayen, Alexander, PhD
Shaheen, Susan, PhD

The State of California is currently moving forward with a road usage charge (RUC) demonstration program, creating promising research opportunities to examine the potential social equity implications of a shift from a gas tax to a RUC system in California. RUC . To this aim, this study investigates the relative burden of gas taxes and mileage-based RUC across various sociodemographic and geographic dimensions by examining key trends in road use, vehicle ownership, fuel consumption, use of RUC-related technologies, and attitudes/opinions related to RUC adoption. Expert interviews were...

Ridesharing (Carpooling and Vanpooling)

Shaheen, Susan, PhD
Cohen, Adam
Randolph, Michael
Farrar, Emily
Davis, Richard
Nichols, Aqshems

Ridesharing allows travelers to share a ride to a common destination and can include several forms (Shaheen & Cohen, 2019; Chan & Shaheen, 2011; SAE International, 2018). Ridesharing differs from for-hire vehicle services (i.e., transportation network companies (TNCs), ridesourcing, and ridehailing) in its financial motivation. When a ridesharing payment is collected, it partially covers the driver’s cost and is not intended to result in financial gain. Additionally, the driver has a common origin and/or destination with the passengers. In this toolkit, readers will find a summary...

A Low-Carbon Fuel Standard for California Part 2: Policy Analysis

Farrell, Alexander E.
Sperling, Daniel
Brandt, A.R.
Eggert, A.
Farrell, A.E.
Haya, B.K.
Hughes, J
Jenkins, B.M.
Jones, A.D.
Kammen, D.M.
Knittel, C.R.
Melaina, M.W.
O'Hare, M.
Plevin, R.J.
Sperling, D.

The Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) can play a major role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stimulating improvements in transportation fuel technologies so that California can meet its climate policy goals. In Part 1 of this study we evaluated the technical feasibility of achieving a 10 percent reduction in the carbon intensity (measured in gCO2e/MJ) of transportation fuels in California by 2020. We identified six scenarios based on a variety of different technologies that could meet or exceed this goal, and concluded that the goal was ambitious but attainable. In Part 2, we examine...

Shared Mobility Policy and Modeling Workshop

Shaheen, Susan, PhD
Cohen, Adam
Farrar, Emily

The market for personal mobility is changing rapidly due to shifting social and cultural trends, as well as technological advances, such as smartphones, information processing, widespread data connectivity, sharing, and vehicle automation. Shared, on-demand mobility represents a sustainable vision for future mobility with a reliable network of multimodal options that are available to all travelers. On March 22, 2019, the Local Government Commission (LGC) and the Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC) at the University of California, Berkeley hosted the Caltrans Shared...

Future of Public Transit and Shared Mobility: Scenario Planning for COVID-19 Recovery

Shaheen, Susan, PhD
Wong, Stephen, PhD

In 2020, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic enveloped the world, leading to a public health crisis that profoundly changed all aspects of society, especially multiple sectors in transportation such as public transit and shared mobility. With so much uncertainty about the future of travel, the transportation sector needs to move rapidly to shape the nature of public transit and shared mobility services during the COVID-19 recovery period. Consequently, the University of California Institute of Transportation Studies (UC ITS) and the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Executive...

Creating Markets for Green Biofuels: Measuring and Improving Environmental Performance

Turner, Brian T.
Plevin, Richard J.
O'Hare, Michael
Farrell, Alexander E.

This study describes how some biofuels are produced, emphasizing agricultural production systems, and considers what is needed in order to measure and communicate environmental performance, and gives examples of how this might be done. We describe a set of seven uses of a Green Biofuels Index, from a wholly market-driven implementation through a set of increasingly intrusive regulatory approaches. We then present several case studies of specific biofuel production pathways using a lifecycle analysis of the inputs to feedstock production and processing, but excluding market-mediated effects...

Mobile Apps and Transportation: A Review of Smartphone Apps and A Study of User Response to Multimodal Traveler Information

Shaheen, Susan
Martin, Elliot
Cohen, Adam
Musunuri, Apoorva
Bhattacharyya, Abhinav

In recent years, technological and social forces have pushed smartphone applications (apps) from the fringe to the mainstream. Understanding the role of transportation apps in urban mobility is important for policy development and transportation planners. This study evaluates the role and impact of multimodal aggregators from a variety of perspectives, including a literature review; a review of the most innovative, disruptive, and highest-rated transportation apps; interviews with experts in the industry, and a user survey of former multimodal aggregator RideScout users. Between February...

Advanced Air Mobility: Opportunities, Challenges, and Research needsfor the State of California (2023-2030)

Cohen, Adam
Shaheen, Susan, PhD

Advanced air mobility (AAM) is a broad concept that enables consumers access to air mobility, goods delivery, and emergency services through an integrated and connected multimodal transportation network. AAM can provide short-range urban, suburban, and rural flights of about 50-miles and mid-range regional flights up to a several hundred miles. State law delegates responsibility for oversight in aviation primarily to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). This white paper presents an overview of the state of the market, such as the aircraft under development and forecast...