This report is a summary of proceedings from a two-day symposium convened by the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California at Berkeley in April 1998 to commemorate the fiftieth birthday of the Institute and to lay the groundwork for the Institute’s second fifty years. With the title, The Transportation Enterprise: Challenges of the 21st Century, the Symposium set out to generate thoughtful, active discussion in preparation for laying out an action plan for the Institute in the21stCentury.
Publication date:
December 1, 1998
Publication type:
Research Report
Bertini, R. L., & Orrick, P. (1998, December 1). Proceedings of the Institute of Transportation 50th Birthday Symposium April 23-24, 1998 The Transportation Enterprise: Challenges of ther 21st Century. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0n85f38k