Volvo Center

Use Characteristics and Mode Choice Behavior of Electric Bikes in China

Cherry, Chris
Cervero, Robert

In 2005, ten million electric bikes were produced in China. Strong domestic sales are projected for coming years, raising concerns about the sustainability and potential regulation of this fairly new mode. Policy makers are wrestling with development policy on electric bikes with little information about who uses them, why they are used, and what factoes influence the electric bike travel. This paper probes these questions by surveying electric bike usage in two large Chinese cities, Kunming and Shanghai. Demographic comparisons are made between the different modes and cities as well as...

CHAL - Control logic / Hardware Abstraction layer

Zennaro, Marco
Sengupta, Raja

Traffic control systems have reached a high level of sophistication: they are general purpose machines that can, in principle, run any traffic control software. The firmware they are running turns them into special purpose machines able to operate only according to some pre-defined rules. The firmware usually allows limited customizations through parameters, but it does not support the introduction of new control schemes. As a result, implementing a new traffic control scheme requires the re-implementation of the firmware, a complex task given the low-level programming required. The...

Effects of HOV Lanes on Freeway Bottlenecks

Menendez, Monica
Daganzo, Carlos F.

In this paper, the authors report on research that shows that high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes do not reduce the capacity of general purpose (GP) lanes. Empirical evidence, complemented with simulations, enable the authors to describe how to estimate total bottneleck capacity and how deploy HOV lanes without hindering vehicle flow. The authors also offer a dynamic strategy that increases a bottleneck's total discharge rate.

Advancing Bus Rapid Transit and Transit Oriented Corridorsin California’s Central Valley

Braughton, Matthew
Brill, Matthew
Lee, Stephen
Binger, Gary
Cervero, Robert

This study explores possibilities for advancing bus rapid transit (BRT) systems and associated higher density land development in the Central Valley of California. It uses photo-simulations and stakeholder reactions to visual images to gauge public attitudes toward what would be a fairly radical transformation of urban environments in traditionally car-oriented settings.The kinds of transformations that would be needed to economically justify higher quality BRT services will likely require better and more frequent bus as well as amenities in the form of street trees, landscaping, street...

Electric Bike Use in China and Their Impacts on the Environment, Safety, Mobility and Accessibility

Cherry, Christopher

Chinese cities have a long legacy of bicycle use due to relatively low incomes, dense urban development, and short trip lengths. Because of tremendous economic growth resulting in increased motorization and spatial expansion of cities, trips are becoming longer and more difficult to make by bicycle. As a result, electric powered twowheelers have risen in popularity over the past five years. Touted as environmentally friendly vehicles, they are capable of traveling 450 kilometers on a single charge and emit zero tailpipe emissions. However, many cities are banning electric twowheelers from...

Modular Composition of Synchronous Programs: Applications to Traffic Signal Control

Zennaro, Marco
Sengupta, Raja

This paper describes a modular compilation scheme for distributed synchronous programming. The approach is first described mathematically and then implemented as a library to distribute Simulink (59). Application of the scheme is illustrated by developing a control system to coordinate traffic signals.

From Elevated Freeway to Linear Park: Land Price Impacts of Seoul, Korea's CGC Project

Kang, Chang Deok
Cervero, Robert

Freeways and other high-performance roadway investments have long been considered vital to the economic well-being of metropolitan areas. Empirical research shows that limited-access, grade-separated freeway systems increase a region’s economic productivity by lowering transportation costs, a factor input to economic production (Aschauer, 1990; Boarnet, 1997). Past studies also reveal that urban land markets capitalize the benefit of proximity to freeway interchanges, especially for non-residential uses and in areas experiencing worsening traffic conditions (Gillen, 1996; Boarnet, 1997;...

Improving City Mobility through Gridlock Control: an Approach and Some Ideas

Daganzo, Carlos F.

This paper examines the effect of gridlock on urban mobility. It defines gridlock and shows how it can be modeled, monitored and controlled with parsimonious models that do not rely on detailed forecasts. The proposed approach to gridlock management should be most effective when based on real-time observation of relevant spatially aggregated measures of traffic performance. This is discussed in detail. The ideas in this paper suggest numerous avenues for research at the empirical and theoretical levels. An appendix summarizes some of these.

Macroscopic Relations of Urban Traffic Variables: An Analysis of Instability

Daganzo, Carlos F.
Gayah, Vikash V.
Gonzales, Eric J.

For networks consisting of a single route the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) can be predicted analytically; but when the networks consist of multiple overlapping routes the flows observed in congestion for a given density are less than those one would predict if the routes were homogeneously congested and did not overlap. These types of networks also tend to jam at densities that are only a fraction of their routes’ average jam density. This paper provides an explanation for this phenomena. It shows that, even for perfectly homogeneous networks with spatially uniform travel patterns...

The Environmental Impacts of Logistics Systems and Options for Mitigation

Sathaye, Nakul
Li, Yuwei
Horvath, Arpad
Madanat, Samer

This paper presents a discussion directed at determining the most progressive options for shifting the freight logistics industry towards having more sustainable-oriented goals. The authors first discuss transportation sustainability and the concept of green logistics. This is followed by a discussion on externalities resulting from vehicle emissions and indirect environmental externalities. The problem of environmental externalities is then examined, with focus on emissions and other related data. The authors then examine options for reducing environmental externalities. They discuss...