Advancing Bus Rapid Transit and Transit Oriented Corridorsin California’s Central Valley


This study explores possibilities for advancing bus rapid transit (BRT) systems and associated higher density land development in the Central Valley of California. It uses photo-simulations and stakeholder reactions to visual images to gauge public attitudes toward what would be a fairly radical transformation of urban environments in traditionally car-oriented settings.The kinds of transformations that would be needed to economically justify higher quality BRT services will likely require better and more frequent bus as well as amenities in the form of street trees, landscaping, street furniture, improved building facades, bike lanes, and the like. By eliciting views and responses from local stakeholder interests about BRT service design and surrounding development patterns, the work sought to provide a platform for stimulating open public dialogue on factors that could be vital to successful project implementation.

Braughton, Matthew
Brill, Matthew
Lee, Stephen
Binger, Gary
Cervero, Robert
Publication date: 
June 1, 2011
Publication type: 
Journal Article
Braughton, M., Brill, M., Lee, S., Binger, G., & Cervero, R. (2011). Advancing Bus Rapid Transit and Transit Oriented Corridorsin California’s Central Valley.