Transportation network companies (TNCs) are changing the way people travel by providing dynamic, on-demand mobility that can supplement public transit and personal vehicle use. Early research suggests that TNCs have the potential to expand access and mobility for underserved communities. Yet aspects of the way TNCs operate have come under scrutiny as pricing algorithms and the choices of human drivers have resulted in a number of inequities and biases in cost and service levels across various socio-demographic groups (e.g., minorities, women, people with disabilities). TNCs present opportunities to increase individual mobility and access, butthey can exacerbate existing inequities and increase VMT, congestion, and emissions. This study led to several key findings regarding TNC customer interest in using pooled rides; consideration of other modes; insights into how disability status, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality can influence transportation decision-making; and desired improvements to make transportation more affordable, convenient, reliable, and safer.
Publication date:
November 1, 2022
Publication type:
Research Report
Shaheen, S., Cohen, A., Gosselin, K., & Broader, J. (2022). Understanding the Travel Needs of Underserved Populations That Rely on Transportation Network Companies in the San Francisco Bay Area.