Organizing For Its: Computer Integrated Transportation Phase 2: Results For Commercial Vehicle Operators


This paper extends previous research on Computer Integrated Transportation (CIT) to commercial vehicle operations (CVO), specifically to examine how government can work with trucking companies within a CIT framework. The research entailed a review of how government currently interacts with trucking companies, interviews with trucking terminal managers, and case-studies on terminal operations at five of the nation's largest motor carriers. Opportunities are identified in the area of unifying interaction between government and industry and in the area of in- vehicle devices for automated record keeping.

Hall, Randolf
Chatterjee, Indrajit
Publication date: 
November 1, 1995
Publication type: 
Research Report
Hall, R., & Chatterjee, I. (1995). Organizing For Its: Computer Integrated Transportation Phase 2: Results For Commercial Vehicle Operators (UCB-ITS-PWP-95-15).