Integration of GPS/INS and Magnetic Markers for Advanced Vehicle Control Final Report for MOU 391


This report describes the results of a project supported by California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH). The main objective of the project is to develop and demonstrate a triple redundancy navigation system incorporating magnetometer, inertial, and carrier phase differential Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements. The motivating application for this project is lateral vehicle control. Therefore, the system was design to operate reliably whether or not GPS and magnetometer measurements were available. The navigation system provides vehicle position, velocity, acceleration, attitude, heading, and angular rates at 150 Hz with accuracies (standard deviation) of 1.5cm, 0.8cm/s, 2.2cm/s/s, 0.03deg, 0.1deg, and 0.1deg/s. This navigation state vector is processed to produce a control state vector at approximately 30 Hz. This is an interim project report. The overall project with demonstrations will conclude in summer 2001. As of July30, 2000, the required theory has been derived. The effort for the following year of this project will focus on implementation and test of this theory.

Farrell, Jay
Barth, Matthew
Publication date: 
October 1, 2002
Publication type: 
Research Report
Farrell, J., & Barth, M. (2002). Integration of GPS/INS and Magnetic Markers for Advanced Vehicle Control Final Report for MOU 391 (UCB-ITS-PRR-2002-32).