Intelligent Transportation Systems and Infrastructure: A Series of Briefs for Smart Investments


Intelligent transportation systems and technology provide a high return on investment, especially when incorporated as part of ongoing construction activities. Efficient operation and maintenance of our transportation infrastructure requires real time data exchange provided by ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) technology. The cost to acquire and install this technology is roughly 5% of the overall construction budget if installed during construction. The ROI (measured in safety, travel time reliability, throughput and quality of life) takes less than 6 months in highly congested corridors. In addition, these transportation networks are now ready to support advances in automated and connected vehicles and in shared demand management approaches. All construction projects should be required to install ITS elements.

ITS Berkeley
Publication date: 
March 1, 2017
Publication type: 
Research Report
Berkeley, I. T. S. (2017). Intelligent Transportation Systems and Infrastructure: A Series of Briefs for Smart Investments.