
Title Author Year Publication type
Hybrid Traffic Data Collection Roadmap: Pilot Procurement of Third-Party Traffic Data Bayen, Alexandre; Sharafsaleh, Mohammad; Patire, Anthony D. 2013 Research Report
Bicycle Evolution in China: From the 1900s to the Present Zhang, Hua; Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Chen, Xingpeng 2013 White Paper
Hybrid Traffic Data Collection Roadmap: Objectives and Methods Bayen, Alexander; Sharafsaleh, Mohammad; Patire, Anthony D. 2013 Research Report
Understanding the Diffusion of Public Bikesharing Systems: Evidence from Europe and North America Parkes, Stephen; Mardsen, Greg; Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Cohen, Adam 2013 Journal Article
Public Bikesharing in North America: Early Operator Understanding and Emerging Trends Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Cohen, Adam; Martin, Elliot, PhD 2013 Journal Article
Exploring the Future of Integrated Transportation Systems in the United States from 2030 to 2050: Application of a Scenario Planning Tool Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Camel, Madonna; Lee, Kunik 2013 Journal Article
Augmented Speed Enforcement Project at PATH: Minimizing Hazards in Work Zones in Rural Areas California PATH 2013 Research Report
Bikesharing across the Globe Shaheen, Susan; Guzman, Stacey; Zhang, Hua 2012 Book Chapter
Shared-Use Vehicle Services for Sustainable Transportation: Carsharing, Bikesharing, and Personal Vehicle Sharing across the Globe Shaheen, Susan A. 2012 Journal Article
Carsharing and Personal Vehicle Services: Worldwide Market Developments and Emerging Trends Shaheen, Susan A., PhD; Cohen, Adam 2012 Journal Article
Personal Vehicle Sharing Services in North America Shaheen, Susan A.; Mallery, Mark A.; Kingsley, Karla J. 2012 Journal Article
How Public Education on Ecodriving Can Reduce Both Fuel Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Martin, Elliot W.; Chan, Nelson D.; Shaheen, Susan A. 2012 Journal Article
How Public Education on Ecodriving Can Reduce Both Fuel Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Martin, Elliot; Chan, Nelson D.; Shaheen, Susan A. 2012 Journal Article
Innovative Mobility Services & Technologies: A Pathway Towards Transit Flexibility, Convenience, and Choice Shaheen, Susan A. 2012 Book Chapter
Carsharing in Shanghai, China: Analysis of Behavioural Response to Local Survey and Potential Competition Wang, Mingquan; Martin, Elliot; Shaheen, Susan A. 2012 Journal Article
Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts of Carsharing in North America Martin, Elliot; Shaheen, Susan A. 2011 Journal Article
The Impact of Carsharing on Public Transit and Non-Motorized Travel: An Exploration of North American Carsharing Survey Data Martin, Elliot; Shaheen, Susan 2011 Journal Article
Ridesharing in North America: Past, Present, and Future Chan, Nelson D.; Shaheen, Susan A. 2011 Journal Article
Implementation and Evaluation of Automated Vehicle Occupancy Verification Chan, Ching-Yao; Bu, Fanping; Singa, Krute; Wang, Huili 2011 Research Report
China's Hangzhou Public Bicycle: Understanding Early Adoption and Behavioral Response to Bikesharing in Hangzhou, China Shaheen, Susan A.; Zhang, Hua; Martin, Elliot; Guzman, Stacey 2011 Journal Article
Effectiveness of Adaptive Traffic Control for Arterial Signal Management: Modeling Results Skabardonis, Alexander; Gomes, Gabriel 2010 Research Report
Public Transit Training: A Mechanism to Increase Ridership among Older Adults Shaheen, Susan A.; Allen, Denise; Liu, Judy 2010 Journal Article
VII California: Development and Deployment Proof of Concept and Group-Enabled Mobility and Safety (GEMS) Misener, Jim; Sengupta, Raja; Ahern, Katherine; Gupta, Somak Datta; Dickey, Susan; Kuhn, Tom; Lian, Thang; Manasseh, Christian; Nelson, David; Rezai, Shahram; Sharafsaleh, Ashkan; Shladover, Steven; VanderWerf, Joel 2010 Research Report
Develop Methods to Reduce or Prevent Backing Crashes Cooper, Douglas L.; Duffy, Sarah; Orrick, Phyllis; Ragland, David R. 2010 Research Report
Relieve Congestion and Conflicts Between Railroad and Light Rail Grade-Crossing Intersections Zhang, Wei-Bin; Li, Meng; Wu, Guoyuan; Zhou, Kun; Bu, Fanping 2010 Research Report
Transit-Based Smart Parking: An Evaluation of the San Francisco Bay Area Field Test Rodier, Caroline J.; Shaheen, Susan A. 2010 Journal Article
Evaluation of Wet Weather Accident Causation Criteria Oh, Soon Mi, MS; Ragland, David R., PhD; Chan, Ching-Yao, PhD 2010 Research Report
Improving Performance of Coordinated Signal Control Systems Using Signal and Loop Data Li, Meng; Zhang, Liping; Song, Myoung Kyun; Wu, Guoyuan; Zhang, Wei-Bin; Zhang, Lihui; Yin, Yafeng 2010 Research Report
Planning the Development of a Commercial Motor Vehicle Virtual Weigh Station Technology Testbed Miller, Mark A.; Sharafsaleh, Ashkan 2010 Research Report
On-Ramp Metering and Commuter Delay: A Before and After Study Kim, Kwangho; Cassidy, Michael J. 2010 Research Report
Smart Parking Pilot on the Coaster Commuter Rail Line in San Diego, California Rodier, Caroline; Shaheen, Susan A.; Blake, Tagan 2010 Research Report
Demand for Carsharing Systems in Beijing, China: An Exploratory Study Shaheen, Susan A.; Martin, Elliot 2010 Journal Article
Carsharing's Impact on Household Vehicle Holdings: Results from a North American Shared-Use Vehicle Survey Martin, Elliot; Shaheen, Susan A.; Lidicker, Jeffrey 2010 Journal Article
Bikesharing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia: Past, Present and Future Shaheen, Susan A.; Guzman, Stacey; Zhang, Hua 2010 Journal Article
Carsharing Parking Policy: Review of North American Practices and San Francisco, California, Bay Area Case Study Shaheen, Susan A.; Cohen, Adam; Martin, Elliot 2010 Journal Article
Economic Assessment of Electric-Drive Vehicle Operation in California and Other U.S. Regions Lidicker, Jeffrey R.; Lipman, Timothy E.; Shaheen, Susan A. 2010 Journal Article
Behavioral Response to Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles and Refueling: Results of California Drive Clinics Martin, Elliot; Shaheen, Susan A.; Lipman, Timothy E.; Lidicker, Jeffrey R. 2009 Journal Article
Tools for Operations Planning (TOPL2) Varaiya, Pravin 2009 Research Report
Optimal Use of Changeable Message Signs for Displaying Travel Times Ban, Xuegang (Jeff); Li, Yuwei; Margulici, Jean-Davi 2009 Research Report
VII California: Development and Deployment— Lessons Learned Misesner, Jim; Dickey, Susan; VanderWerf, Joel; Shrafasaleh, Ashkan; Li, Kang; Tan, Han-Shue; Li, Meng; Zou, Zhi-jun; Bu, Fanping; Huang, Ching-Ling; Xu, Guan; Shladover, Steven;; Kuhn, Tom; Barth, Matt; Todd, Michael; Zhang, Wei-Bin 2009 Research Report
Bus Lanes/Bus Rapid Transit Systems on Highways: Review of the Literature Miller, Mark A.; Garefalakis, Antonios 2009 Research Report
A Combined Quantitative and Qualitative Approach to Planning for Improved Intermodal Connectivity at California Airports Lu, Xiao-Yun; Gosling, Geoffrey D.; Ceder, Avi; Tung, Steven; Tso, Kristin; Shladover, Steven; Xiong, Jing; Yoon, Sangwon 2009 Research Report
Real-time Density Estimation on Freeway with Loop Detector and Probe Data Qiu, Tony Z.; Lu, Xiao-Yun; Chow, Andy H. F.; Shladover, Steven 2009 Research Report
Effects of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control on Traffic Flow: Testing Drivers' Choices of Following Distances Shladover, Steven E.; Nowakowski, Christopher; Cody, Delphine; Bu, Fanping; O’Connell, Jessica; Spring, John; Dickey, Susan; Nelson, David 2009 Research Report
Development and Evaluation of Selected Mobility Applications for VII: Concept of Operations Shladover, Steven E.; Lu, Xiao-Yun; Cody, Delphine 2009 Research Report
SPRINTER Rail: Grade Crossing/Traffic Signal Optimization Study Wu, Guoyuan; Li, Irene; Zhang, Wei-Bin; Johnston, Scott; Li, Meng; Zhou, Kun 2009 Research Report
Deployment Path Analysis for Cooperative ITS Systems Shladover, Steven E. 2009 Research Report
TASK A-1: Motivations Behind Electronic Road Pricing. What is the Driving Force Behind the Worldwide Rise in Tolling? A Review of Innovative Road Pricing from Across the Globe Kalauskas, Rebecca; Taylor, Brian D.; Iseki, Hiroyuki 2009 Research Report
North American Carsharing: A Ten Year Retrospective Shaheen, Susan A.; Cohen, Adam P.; Chung, Melissa S. 2009 Journal Article
Carsharing and the Built Environment: Geographic- Information System-Based Study of One U.S Operator Stillwater, Tai; Mokhtarian, Patricia L.; Shaheen, Susan A. 2009 Journal Article