
Title Author Year Publication type
Berkeley Highway Lab Videl Data Collection System Chen, Chao; Lyddy, Daniel; Dundar, Baris 2004 Research Report
Testing and Evaluation of Robust Fault Detection and Identification for a Fault Tolerant Automated Highway System: Final Report Chen, Robert H.; Ng, Hok K.; Speyer, Jason L.; Mingori, D. Lewis 2004 Research Report
Initial Scoping of Bay Area Smart Mobility Corridors and ITS World Congress Shaheen, Susan; Finson, Rachel S.; McCormick, Cynthia 2004 Research Report
Coordination Layer Control Design for Automated Trucks and Buses Lu, Xiao-Yun; Joo, Sungmoon; Hedrick, Karl 2004 Research Report
Traffic Measurement and Vehicle Classification with a Single Magnetic Sensor Cheung, Sing Yiu; Coleri, Sinem; Dundar, Baris; Ganesh, Sumitra; Tan, Chin-Woo; Varaiya, Pravin 2004 Research Report
Ad-hoc Medium Access Control Protocol Design and Analysis for Vehicle Safety Communications Sengupta, Raja; Xu, Qing; Mak, Tony; Ko, Jeff 2004 Research Report
Evaluation of Truck and Bus Automation Scenarios: Operations Cost Analysis Botha, Jan; Day, Jennifer E.; Adibhatla, Nagabhargavi 2004 Research Report
PEDAMACS: Power Efficient and Delay Aware Medium Access Protocol for Sensor Networks Coleri, Sinem; Varaiya, Pravin 2004 Research Report
Cooperative Multiple-Sensor Fusion for Automated Vehicle Control Hedrick, J. K.; Jang, J.; Potier, A. 2004 Research Report
Carsharing and Partnership Management: An International Perspective Shaheen, Susan; Sperling, Dan; Wagner, Conrad 2004 Journal Article
Vehicle Modeling and Verification of CNG-Powered Transit Buses Hedrick, J. K.; Ni, A. 2004 Research Report
Traveler Response to New Dynamic Information Sources: Analyzing Corridor and Area-Wide Behavioral Surveys Yim, Youngbin; Khattak, Asad J.; Raw, Jeremey 2004 Research Report
Demand-Responsive Transit Shuttles: Who Will Use Them? Anspacher, David; Khattak, Asad J.; Yim, Youngbin 2004 Research Report
An Assessment of Bus Rapid Transit Opportunities in the San Francisco Bay Area Miller, Mark A.; White, Dustin 2004 Research Report
Policy Considerations for Carsharing and Station Cars: Monitoring Growth, Trends, and Overall Impacts Shaheen, Susan A.; Schwartz, Andrew; Wipyewski, Kamill 2004 Journal Article
A Mobile Platform for Roadway Incident Documentation Su, Ray J.; Chan, Ching-Yao 2004 Research Report
Micro-simulation Modeling Approach to Applications of On-line Simulation and Data Fusion Chu, Lianyu; Recker, Will 2004 Research Report
Fault Tree Analysis Of An Automated Freeway With Vehicle-borne Intelligence Hitchcock, Anthony 2004 Research Report
Assessment of Service Integration Practices for Public Transportation: Review of the Literature Miller, Mark A. 2004 Research Report
Advanced Simulation Tools for Freeway Corridor Management Gardes, Yonnel;; Tang, Eric; Ma, Jingtao; May, Adolf D. 2003 Research Report
An Enhancement to Speed Estimation with Single Loops Lin, Wei-Hua; Dahlgren, Joy; Huo, Hong 2003 Research Report
Safety Aspects of Freeway Weaving Sections Golob, Thomas F.; Recker, Wilfred W.; Alvarez, Veronica M. 2003 Research Report
A Method for Relating Type of Crash to Traffic Flow Characteristics on Urban Freeways Golob, Thomas F.; Recker, Wilfred W. 2003 Research Report
On the Numerical Treatment of Moving Bottlenecks Daganzo, Carlos; Laval, Jorge A. 2003 Research Report
Estimation of Truck Traffic Volume from Single Loop Detectors Using Lane-to-Lane Speed Correlation Kwon, Jaimyoung; Varaiya, Pravin; Skabardonis, Alexander 2003 Research Report
A Tool to Evaluate the Safety Effects of Changes in Freeway Traffic Flow Golob, Thomas F.; Recker, Wilfred W.; Alvarez, Veronica M. 2003 Research Report
Loop Detector Data Collection and Travel Time Measurement in the Berkeley Highway Laboratory May, Adolf D.; Cayford, Randall; Coifman, Ben; Merritt, Greg 2003 Research Report
Institutional, Organizational and Market Aspects of Successful ITS Deployment: A Case Study Analysis Conroy, Patrick 2003 Research Report
Integrated Smart Feeder / Shuttle Bus Service Ceder, Avishai; Yim, Youngbin 2003 Research Report
Develop Precision Docking Function for Bus Operation Tan, Han-Shue 2003 Research Report
Traveler Response to Innovative Personalized Demand-Responsive Transit in the San Francisco Bay Area Khattak, Asad J.; Yim, Youngbin 2003 Research Report
Investigation of Traveler Information and Related Travel Behavior in the San Francisco Bay Area Khattak, Asad J.; Targa, Felipe; Yim, Youngbin 2003 Research Report
Multi-Sensor Traffic Data Fusion Kim, ZuWhan; Skabardonis, A. 2003 Research Report
The Automated Highway System / Street Interface: Final Report Hall, Randolph; Chin, Chinan; Gadgil, Nishad 2003 Research Report
Evaluation of Potential ITS Strategies Under Non-Recurrent Congestion Using Microscopic Simulation Chu, Lianyu; Liu, Henry X.; Recker, Will; Hague, Steve 2003 Research Report
Intelligent Transportation Technology Elements and Operational Methodologies for Shared-Use Vehicle Systems Barth, Matthew; Todd, Michael; Shaheen, Susan 2003 Journal Article
Enhanced AHS Safety Through the Integration of Vehicle Control and Communication Hedrick, J. K.; Sengupta, R.; Xu, Q.; Kang, Y.; Lee, C. 2003 Research Report
U.S. Shared-Use Vehicle Survey Findings: Opportunities and Obstacles for Carsharing and Station Car Growth Shaheen, Susan A.; Meyn, Mollyanne; Wipyewski, Kamill 2003 Journal Article
Enhanced AHS Safety Through the Integration of Vehicle Control and Communication Hedrick, J. K.; Sengupta, R.; Xu, Q.; Kang, Y.; Lee, C. 2003 Research Report
Examining Intelligent Transportation Technology Elements and Operational Methodologies for Shared-Use Vehicle Systems Barth, Matthew; Todd, Michael; Shaheen, Susan 2003 Journal Article
Testing Daganzo's Behavioral Theory for Multi-lane Freeway Traffic Chung, Koohong; Cassidy, Michael 2002 Research Report
Summary of Selected, Significant ITS and ITS-related Policies and Programs in Europe and the US (with Japan Supplement) Conroy, Pat; Ygnace, Jean-Luc 2002 Research Report
An Analytical Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model with Probabilistic Travel Times and Travelers' Perceptions Liu, Henry X.; Ban, Xuegang; Ran, Bin; Mirchandani, Pitu 2002 Research Report
Adaptive Signal Control System with On-line Performance Measure for Single Intersection Liu, Henry X.; Oh, Jun-Seok; Recker, Will 2002 Research Report
Implementing A Dynamic O-D Estimation Algorithm within the Microscopic Traffic Simulator Paramics Garcia, Reinaldo C. 2002 Research Report
Investigating Institutional Aspects of Multi-Agency Transit Operations-Review of the Literature Lam, Amy; Miller, Mark A. 2002 Research Report
A System Review of Magnetic Sensing System for Ground Vehicle Control and Guidance Chan, Ching-yao 2002 Research Report
"Study of Traffic at a Freeway Merge and Roles for Ramp Metering" Cassidy, Michael J.; Rudjanakanoknad, Jittichai 2002 Research Report
Field Investigation of Advanced Vehicle Reidentification Techniques and Detector Technologies - Phase 1 Ritchie, Stephen G.; Park, Seri; Oh, Cheol; Sun, Carlos 2002 Research Report
Validation of Daganzo's Behavioral Theory of Mult-Lane Traffic Flow: Interim Report Banks, James 2002 Research Report