California System Architecture For Intelligent Transportation: Models For Transportation Systems Management


In 1996, the Federal Highway Administration completed a program to develop a national system architecture (NSA) for intelligent-transportation-systems. This report presents recommendations on methodologies by which system architecture can be used to improve the deployment of transportation management projects, with emphasis on multi-jurisdictional projects. The report is part of a larger project addressing the deployment of an ITS system architecture in California. The project as a whole is led by Claremont Graduate School, and is documented in a separate report.

Hall, Randolph
Thakker, Viral
Publication date: 
November 1, 1998
Publication type: 
Research Report
Hall, R., & Thakker, V. (1998). California System Architecture For Intelligent Transportation: Models For Transportation Systems Management (No. UCB-ITS-PWP-98-29).