Cooperative Multiple-Sensor Fusion for Automated Vehicle Control


The number and quality of sensors available for both on-board vehicle and infrastructure-based sensing is increasing while the cost of these sensors is rapidly decreasing. On-board vehicle sensors can be utilized for both individual vehicle safety as well as automated vehicle control. It is becoming imperative that "fusion" techniques be developed, i.e., methods to combine the wide variety of sensors available so that reliable and accurate information can be obtained even though individual sensors may fail or become extremely noisy. The process of sensor fusion combines multiple sensor measurements in order to provide an accurate and coherent view of the vehicle and its environment.

Hedrick, J. K.
Jang, J.
Potier, A.
Publication date: 
April 1, 2004
Publication type: 
Research Report
Hedrick, J. K., Jang, J., & Potier, A. (2004). Cooperative Multiple-Sensor Fusion for Automated Vehicle Control (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-2004-10).