Loop Detector Data Collection and Travel Time Measurement in the Berkeley Highway Laboratory


This document is the final report for the 2001-2002 Berkeley Highway Laboratory (BHL) Project which is a part of the University of California's PATH program and supported by the California Department of Transportation (Catrans). The primary objective of this project has been to maintain, improve, and conduct research on the Berkeley Highway Laboratory (BHL) detector system. This report contains ten chapters that describe the work undertaken and the results of each task of the project. The first chapter introduces the project, provides a project background, and a site description. The next nine chapters describe each of the project's nine tasks including the task objective, process followed, and results. The last chapter contains a summary of major accomplishments and identifies future research directions. KEY WORDS: Data Communication, Freeways, Real Time Information, Sensors, System Engineering, Traffic Surveillance, Vehicle Detectors

May, Adolf D.
Cayford, Randall
Coifman, Ben
Merritt, Greg
Publication date: 
April 1, 2003
Publication type: 
Research Report
May, A. D., Cayford, R., Coifman, B., & Merritt, G. (2003). Loop Detector Data Collection and Travel Time Measurement in the Berkeley Highway Laboratory (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-2003-17). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0248v7w8