MOD Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE) Tri-County Metropolitan (TriMet) Transportation District of Oregon—OpenTripPlanner Shared-Use Mobility (OTP SUM) Evaluation Plan


The Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstration Program provides a venue through which integrated MOD concepts and solutions – supported through local partnerships – are demonstrated in real-world settings. For each of the 11 MOD Sandbox Demonstration projects, the MOD Sandbox Independent Evaluation includes an analysis of project impacts from performance measures provided by the project partners, as well as an assessment of the business models used. This report constitutes the Evaluation Plan for the TriMet OTP SUM Sandbox project. It includes the following chapters: project overview; evaluation approach and process; evaluation schedule and management; and data collection & analysis plan.

Cordahi, Gustave
Shaheen, Susan
Martin, Elliot
Hoffman-Stapleton, Mikaela
Publication date: 
October 1, 2018
Publication type: 
Research Report
Cordahi, G., Shaheen, S., Martin, E., & Hoffman-Stapleton, M. (2018). MOD Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE) Tri-County Metropolitan (TriMet) Transportation District of Oregon—OpenTripPlanner Shared-Use Mobility (OTP SUM) Evaluation Plan (FHWA-JPO-18-695).