Public Transportation Systems: Mini-Projects and Homework Exercises


The Course Notes for a graduate-level course in Public Transportation include seven homework exercises and three mini-projects. Homework topics include optimization, point-to-point travel, congestion relief, designing a feeder bus system, demand-responsive transit, and bus pairings. The mini-projects involve bus rapid transit, designing a transit network, and bus and driver assignment.

Gonzales, Eric J.
Pilachowski, Josh
Gayah, Vikash V.
Cassidy, Michael
Daganzo, Carlos F.
Publication date: 
October 1, 2010
Publication type: 
White Paper
Gonzales, E. J., Pilachowski, J., Gayah, V. V., Cassidy, M., & Daganzo, C. F. (2010). Public Transportation Systems: Mini-Projects and Homework Exercises.