Resource Allocation Algorithm for Multi-Vehicle Systems with Non holnomic Constraints


Multi-vehicle systems are naturally encountered in civil and military applications. Cooperation amongst individual "miniaturized" vehicles allows for flexibility to accomplish missions that a single large vehicle may not readily be able to accomplish. While accomplishing a mission, motion planning algorithms are required to efficiently utilize a common resource (such as the total fuel in the collection of vehicles) or to penalize a collective cost function (such as to minimize the maximum time taken by the vehicles to reach their intended target). The objective of this paper is to present a constant factor approximation algorithm for planning the path of each vehicle in a collection of vehicles, where the motion of each vehicle must satisfy non-holonomic constraints.

Rathinam, Sivakumar
Sengupta, Raja
Darbha, Swaroop
Publication date: 
May 1, 2005
Publication type: 
Research Report
Rathinam, S., Sengupta, R., & Darbha, S. (2005). Resource Allocation Algorithm for Multi-Vehicle Systems with Non holnomic Constraints (UCB-ITS-RR-2005-2).