The US DOT RITA Volpe Center entered into a cooperative agreement with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to establish the inaugural SafeTrip 21 field test site in the San Francisco Bay area [named Connected Traveler]. Specifically, the site encompasses I-880 from Oakland to San Jose on the east bay and from San Jose to just south of the San Francisco International Airport, along U.S. 101 and California State Route (SR) 82. The site includes the SR-84 Dumbarton Bridge toll crossing, which links I-880 and U.S. 101. Caltrans's partners include the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the University of California-Berkeley's California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), the California Center for Innovative Transportation, Nokia, Inc., NAVTEQ, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, and Nissan. The cost of the $12.4 million field test was funded by private and public sector partners, including the USDOT contribution, equally. (Public Roads, September/October 2008).
Publication date:
March 1, 2010
Publication type:
Research Report
Sengupta, R., Misener, J., Ahern, K., Chan, C.-Y., Gupta, S. D., Jariyasunant, J., Li, J.-Q., Long, C., Mai, E., Manasseh, C., Nowakowski, C., O’Connell, J., Rezai, S., Steelhorst, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, W.-B., Zhou, K., & Zhou, X. (2010). Safetrip-21: Connected Traveler (UCB-ITS-PRR-2010-23).