This bibliography, containing over 650 entries, is intended to serve as a guide to the major sources of information on highways. While sources listed focus primarily on the United States and Canada, some international materials have been included. Though emphasis is on current publications, some materials of historical interest have also been included. Resources listed in the bibliography include both print and electronic materials, with many Internet sites falling within that latter category. The bibliography was a collaborative effort and was compiled by twelve members of the Transportation Division of the Special Libraries Association. The resultant bibliography is part of a larger Transportation Division project, a revised edition of the Division's multi-volume work, Sources of Information in Transportation. The full, multi-volume new edition (its 5th ) will be available in electronic format on the Internet, with a publication date of late 2001 anticipated. Information concerning the new edition of Sources of Information in Transportation may be found at the Division's website:
Publication date:
September 1, 2001
Publication type:
White Paper
Krummes, D. C., Ambler, B., Atwood, P., Bix, J., Clark, L., Gallwey, J., Geary, K., Gutshall, J., Haake, S., Krummes, D., Matis, L., Motzkus, G., & Sweet, R. (2001). Sources of Information in Highways: A Bibliography.