Micro-simulation Modeling Approach to Applications of On-line Simulation and Data Fusion

Chu, Lianyu
Recker, Will

This report summarizes research work conducted under TO4143 at the California PATH ATMS Center at the University of California, Irvine. This project has two tasks: Functionality enhancements of the PARAMICS simulation model through API programming for the on-line simulation application; On-line data fusion algorithm for a better section travel time estimation based on point detector data and probe vehicle data. In order to conduct these two tasks, we complete the following two related studies, which are the basis of the two tasks of this project: Development of the capability-enhanced...

Fault Tree Analysis Of An Automated Freeway With Vehicle-borne Intelligence

Hitchcock, Anthony

This report summarizes research work conducted under TO4143 at the California PATH ATMS Center at the University of California, Irvine. This project has two tasks: Functionality enhancements of the PARAMICS simulation model through API programming for the on-line simulation application; On-line data fusion algorithm for a better section travel time estimation based on point detector data and probe vehicle data. In order to conduct these two tasks, we complete the following two related studies, which are the basis of the two tasks of this project: Development of the capability-enhanced...

Development and Evaluation of Selected Mobility Applications for VII: Concept of Operations

Shladover, Steven E.
Lu, Xiao-Yun
Cody, Delphine

This report describes the concept of operations for the three mobility applications that PATH is developing and evaluating under the sponsorship of the FHWA Exploratory Advanced Research Program. These applications are intended to use DSRC wireless communications among vehicles and between vehicles and the roadway infrastructure to improve mobility on limited-access highways. The first application combines ramp metering with variable speed limits to enhance control of traffic so that traffic flow breakdowns can be deferred or avoided at bottleneck locations. The second application uses...

Effectiveness of California’s High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) System

Varaiya, Pravin

This is the most extensive empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of California’s HOV system based on data collected from traffic sensors. The evaluation leads to four major conclusions. (1) Since it operates as a single lane freeway, an HOV lane suffers a 20 % capacity loss compared with multi-lane freeways. (2) HOV lanes are either under-utilized or suffer degraded operations. (3) HOV lanes do not measurably increase car-pooling. (4) HOV lanes do not reduce overall congestion in a reasonably well-managed system.

The Automated Highway System / Street Interface: Final Report

Hall, Randolph
Chin, Chinan
Gadgil, Nishad

The economics of roadways, and their variability in demand, favor construction of multi-layered and inter-connected networks. Different network layers are designed to different standards and to perform somewhat different functions, though all provide the common function of mobility for a reasonably homogeneous class of vehicles. Yet interfaces have been constructed to provide a smooth transition between network layers, with little delay and inconvenience to travelers. This project has investigated interfaces between an automated highway network layer and city streets. The report...

Methods Of Analysis Of IVHS Safety

Hitchcock, Anthony

This is the final and primary report of a PATH project which focused on developing and demonstrating methods by which the safety of Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) can be assured, assessed and evaluated. Safety considerations were studied for automated freeways, driver aids, and copilots.

Establishing Infrastructure Requirements for Bus Rapid Transportation Operations in Dedicated Bus Lanes

Monismith, Carl L., P.E.
Weissman, Shmuel L., PhD
Popescu, Lorina
Santero, Nicholas J.

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has the potential to improve mass transit service and contribute to reduced traffic congestion in urban areas. To achieve this improvement in service BRT will require the use of dedicated bus lanes together with lane assist and precision docking (LA/PD) to accelerate the passenger boarding process. Using this approach, BRT lanes can be reduced somewhat in width. However, such a reduction will result in increased channelization of traffic which in turn can lead to a more rapid development of pavement distress. With today’s improved pavement engineering technology, it...

Vehicle-based Control Computer Systems

Auslander, David M

This report is presented in two parts: the first part describes a design and implementation methodology for real time software suitable for control of mechanical systems such as vehicles. This method provides for a design description of the system, a means of capturing the system structure in such a way as to modularize the software writing job, and a portable implementation method. The second part is concerned with a particular problem in the mechanical system control: estimating velocity when the even rate from a digital encoder is lower than the controller's sample time. Methods are...

Case Study: Road Pricing In Practice

Levinson, David

This report examines the history of turnpikes. It attempts to present an understanding of the reasons behind the decline and restoration of turnpikes. It also develops evidence for an explanatory hypothesis of the choice by jurisdictions to finance roads using tolls

Adaptive Throttle Control For Speed Tracking

Xu, Z.
Ioannou, P.

In this paper, the authors design an adaptive control scheme for electronic throttle that achieves good tracking of arbitrary constant speed commands in the presence of unknown disturbances. The design is based on a simplified linear vehicle model which is derived from a validated nonlinear one. The designed control scheme is simulated using the validated full order nonlinear vehicle model and tested on an actual vehicle. The simulation and vehicle test results are included in this paper to show the performance of the controller. Due to the learning capability of the adaptive control...