Southern California Intelligent Transportation System Priority Corridor Action Summary

Horan, Thomas

The Southern California Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Priority Corridor (Priority Corridor) represented a unique opportunity for the region. During the course of this federally sponsored six-year program, the region was able to develop a set of cooperative plans and actions that ensured the ongoing integration of the surface transportation system in Southern California. These directions are set forth in the Southern California ITS Priority Corridor Strategic Deployment Guide (Strategic Guide) and Southern California ITS Priority Corridor Action Summary (Action Summary).

Path ATMIS/Systems State of the Research: Annual Report Fiscal Year 1997/1998

Tam, Robert

This report presents a summary of California PATH Advanced Traffic Management and Traffic Information Systems (ATMIS) and Systems research for FY 1997-1998. For each project, a brief description is given of the objectives, status outline, and principal results. The report is organized into the following research topics: Surveillance Systems, Traffic Management Systems, Traffic Modeling, Traveler Information Systems, Public Transportation Systems, and System Integration and Benefit/Cost Analysis.

A Tool to Evaluate the Safety Effects of Changes in Freeway Traffic Flow

Golob, Thomas F.
Recker, Wilfred W.
Alvarez, Veronica M.

This research involves the development of a tool that can be used to assess the changes in traffic safety tendencies that result from changes in traffic flow. The tool uses data from single inductive loop detectors, converting 30-second observations of volume and occupancy for multiple freeway lanes into traffic flow regimes. Each regime has a specific pattern of crash types, which were determined through nonlinear multivariate analyses of over 1,000 crashes on freeways in Southern California. These analyses revealed ways in which differences in variances in speeds and volumes across lanes...

A Machine Vision Based Surveillance System for California Roads

Malik, J.
Russell, S.

In this report we address the problem of automation of heavy-duty vehicles. After a brief description of the dynamic model used in our design and simulations, we develop nonlinear controllers with adaptation, first for speed control and then for vehicle follower longitudinal control. We consider both autonomous operation as well as intervehicle communication, and evaluate the performance of our controllers in several different scenarios through simulation.

Evaluation of On-ramp Control Algorithms

Zhang, Michael
Kim, Taewan
Nie, Xiaojian
Jin, Wenlong
Chu, Lianyu
Recker, Will

The control of a traffic corridor, which consists of two major component - freeway system control and arterial street system control, aims to improve flows on both freeway and arterial streets, and has been demonstrated as an effective means to increase the level of service of a corridor system during peak periods. Ramp metering, or ramp control, has been considered to be a very important component of corridor traffic control. Ramp metering is the application of control devices such as metering signals to limit the number of vehicles entering a freeway. The fundamental philosophy of ramp...

TravInfo Evaluation: Traveler Response Element Willingness to Pay for Traveler Information: Analysis of Wave 2 Broad Area Survey

Wolinetz, Louis
Khattak, Asad J.
Yim, Youngbin

TravInfo is a Field Operational Test (FOT) sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and California Department of Transportation. It aimed to develop a multi-modal traveler information system for the San Francisco Bay Area, combining public and private sector talents. The Broad Area Study is part of the TravInfo FOT evaluation. This paper addresses issues on the willingness to pay for traveler information. Two waves of telephone surveys of Bay Area households were conducted, one prior to and one after the Field Operational Test. The initial survey was conducted in November...

Commuter Response To Traffic Information On An Incident

Koo, Ronald
Yim, Youngbin

This paper presents and discusses how traffic information is obtained and how it affects travel behavior when a major freeway is congested. Immediately following a major highway incident south of San Francisco which caused congestion, a telephone survey was conducted of commuters who utilize the affected corridor of highway. The behavior of commuters before and during their commute at the time of the incident was determined, including obtaining traffic information and how the information influenced changes in route, mode of travel and departure time. The results of the survey suggest that...

The Costs And Benefits Of Telecommuting: An Evaluation Of Macro-scale Literature

Shafizadeh, K.
Niemeier, D.
Mokhtarian, P.
Salomon, I.

This report presents a literature review designed to synthesize and assess previous large-scale evaluations of telecommuting. A concept framework is first proposed to organize the inputs and outputs of a macro-scale telecommuting benefit-cost analysis. Four federal and regional reports are studied in terms of methodology, assumptions, economic approach, and major findings. The review identifies common inputs and discusses the critical assumptions that routinely affect the results. The report concludes with some major findings and an analysis of the economic approaches.

Variable Message Signs and Link Flow Evaluation: A Case Study of the Paris Region

Yim, Youngbin
Lygeros, John

SIRIUS (Systeme d'Information Routiere Intelligible aux Usagers) is the largest urban field operational test of the advanced traveler information and automated traffic management system in Europe. With variable message signs, SIRIUS has been in operation in the Paris region since December 1992. This study is a preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of the SIRIUS system in traffic management.The concern of the paper is the extent to which drivers respond to real-time traffic information and the consequential changes in link flow under SIRIUS. Time-series traffic data were analyzed...

Design Of An Extended Architecture For Degraded Modes Of Operation Of AHS

Lygeros, John
Godbole, Datta N.
Broucke, Mireille E.

In this paper, the authors propose a hierarchical control architecture for dealing with faults an adverse environmental conditions on an Automated Highway System (AHS). The design builds on a previously designed control architecture that works under normal conditions of operation. The faults that are considered in the design are classified according to capabilities remaining on the vehicle or roadside after the fault has occurred. Information about these capabilities is used by the supervisors in each of the layers to select appropriate control strategies. The extended control strategies...