Feasibility Study Of Advanced Technology Hov Systems: Volume 2b: Emissions Impact Of Roadway-powered Electric Buses, Light-duty Vehicles, And Automobiles

Miller, Mark A.
Dato, Victor
Chira-chavala, Ted

This study investigates issues concerning the implementation and impacts of lateral guidance/control systems and the phased implementation of these systems in exclusive-access High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes. The study is divided into 5 volumes. The objectives of each volume are as follows: Vol. 1: identify strategies for early deployment of longitudinal control technologies on the highway, and to evaluate potential impacts of these strategies on traffic operation, highway capacity, and traffic accidents. Vol. 2A: assess the feasibility of early deployment of Roadway Powered Electric...

Development of Bus Rapid Transit Information Clearinghouse

Miller, Mark A.
Carey, Graham
McNamara, Ian
Zimmerman, Sam

This report documents the development of the bus rapid transit information clearinghouse, which is a web-based informational tool on bus rapid transit systems. It may be accessed at the following website address: This web-based tool provides users with a comprehensive and organized first-stop way of performing bus rapid transit-related research and investigations. The initial version of the BRT Information Clearinghouse has three primary elements consisting...

Incidents And Intervention On Freeways

Heydecker, Bejamin

This paper focuses on the spatio-temporal aspects of congestion caused by an incident and the way in which this can be alleviated by a traffic management intervention. A kinematic wave model of traffic is applied to investigate the issues of congestion. Expressions are derived in closed form for a number of quantities of interest, including the maximum extent of the region, the time at which that occurs, relevant times for an intervention, and the effects of that on the size of the congested region. Special forms of these expressions are established for the case of the linear speed-density...

Collision Analysis Of Vehicle Following Operations By Two-dimensional Simulation Model: Part II- Vehicle Trajectories With Follow-up Maneuvers

Chan, Ching-Yao

This paper discusses the effects of collisions in vehicle-following operations, especially for short-spacing scenarios. The collision analysis is conducted with a two-dimensional simulation program by which the translational and rotational movements of vehicles can be fully represented. Also presented are simulation scenarios where control actions are taken in post-impact conditions. The potential implications and the effects of these maneuvers on the vehicle trajectories are investigated. The studies of these post-impact maneuvers offer a perspective on the possible actions for vehicles...

The Freeway Performance Measurement System (PeMS), PeMS 9.0: Final Report

Varaiya, Pravin

Under development and operation since 1999, PeMS now is the de facto repository for all Caltrans fixed-location detector data. The PeMS 9.0 effort completed seven tasks: (1) Control Algorithm Support; (2) Integration of Census Data in PeMS; (3) Investigation of Fidelity of 3rd Party Detectors; (4) OD estimation algorithm based on the fusion of the FasTrak data and the ITS-sensors; (5) Incorporating speed measurements reported from the field; (6) Incorporation of New Photolog Format; and (7) Development of Diagnostic Routines for Rural Facilities.

Vehicle Control Design For Infrastructure Managed Vehicle Following

Raza, H.
Ioannou, P.

The purpose of this paper is to design and test a vehicle control system in order to achieve full vehicle automation in the longitudinal direction for several modes of operation, where the infrastructure manages the vehicle following. A supervisory controller is designed to provide the required intelligence for the modes. The controller process input and sends the appropriate commands to the brake and throttle controllers. It makes decisions about normal, emergency and transition operations so that the resulting motion of vehicle is safe and follows Automated Highway System (AHS)...

Evaluation of an Animal Warning System Effectiveness

Sharafsaleh, Mohammad (Ashkan)
Huijser, Marcel, PhD
Kuhn, Tom
Spring, John
Felder, Jonathan

The problem of vehicle/animal crashes is being addressed in this research. There have been a few new technologies that claim to accurately detect the large animals that cross our roadways. Each one has its own strengths and shortcomings. A close attention must be given to the selected site and the technology deployed based on its weather, vegetation, topography, and local animal types and sizes. In this project, we have reviewed a number of animal detection systems and selected one system with the most potential to serve the characteristics of the selected site and the local Deer. We did a...

Improved Grade Crossing Safety with In-Pavement Warning Lights

Cohn, Theodore E.

The focus of this project is the modification of a commercially available in-pavement warning signal that was evolved from one originally designed to indicate the presence of pedestrians in a crosswalk. We have proposed use of a similar device to provide warning to vehicles approaching a railroad grade crossing, and we have tested a variety of illumination patterns in order to provide an optimal implementation of such a warning device. Our laboratory tests demonstrate an improvement in visual response, as evidenced by a lowered reaction time, to a pattern that incorporates alternating...

Evaluate the Causes of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Traffic Fatalities and Injuries, and Establish Appropriate Countermeasures for Use in California

Arnold, Lindsay S.
Ragland, David R.
Yip, Harry
Cooper, Doug
MacLeod, Kara
Hennessey, Daniel
Mitman, Meghan
DuBose, Brooke

The three primary objectives of this project were to: (1) conduct research on existing bicycle and pedestrian safety programs and guidelines in the U.S. and internationally, (2) obtain and analyze existing data related to pedestrian and bicycle safety in California, and (3) assist in developing methodologies for producing safety action plans, identifying and selecting projects, conducting education campaigns, and targeting enforcement campaigns. To meet these objectives, SafeTREC developed a set of resources and tools for use in California. These resources make information and data on...

Integrated Maneuvering Control Design And Experiments: Phase I

Hedrick, J. K.
Varaiya, P.
Narendran, V. K.
Choi, S.-b.

The first section of this report addresses the issues of vehicle control during transition maneuvers in Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems. Transition maneuvers include automatic lane change of vehicles and merging and splitting of platoons of vehicles in the automated highway system. The second part of the report addresses the issues involved in implementation of the longitudinal control laws for vehicle control in Automated Highway Systems.