Field Test Of Vehicle-mounted, Forward Looking Range Sensor In Closed-loop Avcs

Kanaris, Alex
Ioannou, Petros

The purpose of MOU-233 is to evaluate and test a low cost, short range radar sensor developed by Amerigon corporation through a subcontract with the University of Southern California. The radar is designed to be used as a ranging sensor for automatic vehicle following applications. It is intended to be mounted in the front of the vehicle and provide measurements of the distance between the front of the vehicle and the rear of any vehicle or object ahead within a maximum distance of 17 feet. The output of the radar as supplied by Amerigon, is a 32-bit binary code, using one bit to represent...

Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Snowplow: Normal Operation and Icepack Impacts

Shou, Kun
Tomizuka, Masayoshi
Zhang, Wei-Bin

Keywords: Dynamic Modeling, Snowplows, Multi-Unit Vehicles, Icepack Impacts, Braking Control, Steering Control.

Opportunities And Constraints For Advanced Highway Technologies: A Speculative Analysis

Deakin, Elizabeth

Might the performance of transportation systems be significantly improved through greater application of emerging technologies? Recent advances in computers, materials, communications, control systems, information systems, and many other areas raise intriguing possibilities.

Evaluation of Cost-Effective Planning and Design Options for Bus Rapid Transit in Dedicated Bus Lanes

Li, Jing-Quan
Song, Myoung Kyun
Li, Meng
Zhang, Wei-Bin
Miller, Mark

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems with dedicated lanes have shown advantages over traditional bus systems and have attracted more transit riders. However, it is not always possible to build BRT systems with two dedicated lanes due to physical and cost constraints. A BRT system with a single dedicated lane is more practical and desirable in such situations. In a single lane configuration, buses approaching from opposite directions share the same road section and can overtake or pass each other only at the bus stops. We propose an optimization model to describe the synchronization requirements...

Potential Benefits Of In-vehicle Information Systems In A Real Life Freeway Corridor Under Recurring And Incident-induced Congestion

Al-deek, Haitham

Optimal use of existing transportation facilities has become a major priority in congested urban areas. Providing real-time in-vehicle traffic information to drivers is one possibility of achieving this goal. This report documents an initial attempt to ascertain the potential benefits of a real-time in-vehicle traffic information system under recurring and non-recurring congestion conditions.

Design Of Fault Tolerant Control Systems For Ahs

Sastry, S.
Horowitz, R.
Hedrick, K.

This report describes research in the area of fault detection and handling designs used in the longitudinal control system of platooned automated vehicles. Results are presented on experimental testing of the designs. The authors also describe a consistent interface between the fault detection and handling modules and how it was implemented in the SHIFT programming language for the specification of hybrid systems. In addition, the report describes part of the modeling formalism required for the formal verification of safety claims.

Fault Diagnosis for Intra-platoon Communications

Simsek, Hidayet Tunc
Sengupta, Raja
Yovine, Sergio
Eskafi, Farokh

We are interested in studying the fault diagnostics of platooning vehicles. It is understood that a platoon is a string of vehicles with distributed control strategies. Vehicles rely on real-time control data from other vehicles for correct execution of their control laws. A time-driven system is responsible for delivering the control data.

Tools for Operations Planning (TOPL1)

Varaiya, Pravin

TOPL is a suite of tools to (1) specify operational improvements including ramp metering, incident and demand management, auxiliary lanes, traveler information and (2) quickly estimate the benefits that such improvements can realize. TOPL is based on the macroscopic cell transmission model (CTM). Version 1, TOPL1, provides preliminary software packages, a calibrated model of 880N.The website of the TOPL project is

Enhancements of ATMIS Using Artificial Intelligence

Liu, Henry X.
Recker, Will

PARAMICS is one of the widely used microscopic traffic simulation program. One important feature of PARAMICSis that PARAMICS allows the user to customize many features of underlying simulation model through a Functional Interface or Application Programming Interface (API). We have developed a library of plug-in modules to enhance the capabilities of PARAMICS simulation through API. These API modules include actuated signal control, time-based ramp meter control, path-based routing, loop data aggregator, performance measures, MYSQL database connection, and network communication through...

Literature Review Report on Benefit/Cost Studies and Evaluations of Transit Management Systems

Jia, Xudong
Sullivan, Edward
Nuworsoo, Cornelius
Hockaday, Neil

This study addresses the benefits and costs of Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) applications in small and medium sized transit agencies using the research test implementation of a small transit oriented Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) on San Luis Obispo Transit as a case study. The Smart Transit System at San Luis Obispo is in a pre-commercialized state and implements the Efficient Development of Advanced Public Transportation Systems (EDAPTS) framework concept (Gerfen, 2001). The system has many potential benefits that will be identified and evaluated from a cost of...