TASK A-1: Motivations Behind Electronic Road Pricing. What is the Driving Force Behind the Worldwide Rise in Tolling? A Review of Innovative Road Pricing from Across the Globe

Kalauskas, Rebecca
Taylor, Brian D.
Iseki, Hiroyuki

The report identifies the motivations behind and objectives of specific road pricing initiatives, and to explore why such policies are becoming an increasingly popular approach to transportation finance and management. Over the past 15 years, electronic road pricing projects have appeared in a variety of forms across the globe – from the Interstate 15 High-occupancy toll (HOT) Lanes in San Diego County, to the congestion cordon pricing scheme in central London, to the German weight-distance truck toll system, to the Oregon mileage-based user fees pilot program. While the stated objectives...

EDAPTS Benefit/Cost Evaluation

Jia, Xudong, PhD
Sullivan, Edward, PhD
Nuworsoo, Cornelius, PhD
Hockaday, Neil

This technical report summarizes the benefit/cost evaluation of the SLO Transit EDAPTS ITS system. It provides a detailed description of the methodologies and procedures used, as well as the research findings resulting from the evaluation effort. Using passenger questionnaire, boarding time surveys and interviews with SLO Transit drivers and administrators, the research team collected and estimated various benefits and costs of the SLO Transit EDAPTS system and conducted a benefit/cost (B/C) ratio analysis on the EDAPTS system. Also the research team performed a sensitivity analysis of B/C...

Analysis of Channel Access Schemes for Model-based Estimation over Multi-access Networks

Huang, Ching-Ling
Sengupta, Raja

This report investigates the performance of model-based estima-tion over multi-access networks and emphasizes on the estimationMSE (mean squared error) while using different channel access schemes:probabilistic (random access), deterministic (round-robin scheduling),and combined (grouped channel access). We propose a mathematicalframework for estimation over a simple multi-access MAC protocol,the slotted ALOHA network. Estimation MSE, its asymptotic be-havior and stability condition are derived for different channel accessmethods. Our quantitative discussion can provide guidelines to...

Testing and Evaluation of Robust Fault Detection and Identification for a Fault Tolerant Automated Highway System: Final Report

Chen, Robert H.
Ng, Hok K.
Speyer, Jason L.
Mingori, D. Lewis

This report concerns vehicle fault detection and identification. The design of a vehicle health monitoring system based on analytical redundancy approach is described. A residual generator and a residual processor are designed to detect and identify actuator and sensor faults of the PATH Buick LeSabre. The residual generator, which includes fault detection filters and parity equations, uses the control commands and sensor measurements to generate the residuals which have a unique static pattern in response to each fault. Then, the residual processor interrogates the residuals by matching...

Effects of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control on Traffic Flow: Testing Drivers' Choices of Following Distances

Shladover, Steven E.
Nowakowski, Christopher
Cody, Delphine
Bu, Fanping
O’Connell, Jessica
Spring, John
Dickey, Susan
Nelson, David

A Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) system has been developed by adding a wireless vehicle-vehicle communication system and new control logic to an existing commercially available adaptive cruise control (ACC) system. The CACC is intended to enhance the vehicle-following capabilities of ACC so that drivers will be comfortable using it at shorter vehicle-following gaps than ACC. If this is shown to be the case, it offers a significant opportunity to increase traffic flow density and efficiency without compromising safety or expanding roadway infrastructure.This report describes the...

Data Sharing of Traveler Information with the Public and Private Sectors: State of the Practice

Miller, Mark A.
Balke, Kevin

This report presents the results of its examination of the current state of the practice of traveler information data sharing with the public and private sectors. A review of the literature was initially performed followed by an analysis of responses to a survey instrument that was designed and administered to practitioners in the field, primarily representatives from public sector agencies, who are in the business of collecting traveler information data. Survey results have addressed the subjects of what data is shared, with whom it is shared, why it is shared, how it is institutionally...

Evaluation Of Highway Bottlenecks

Hall, Randolph W.
Kamoun, Mahdi

This is the final report of the PATH research project "Bottleneck Evaluation Model." The goal of the project was to develop a computer tool for evaluating capacity and travel time benefits of PATH improvements. The Bottleneck Traffic Simulator (BTS) is used to investigate the time benefits of changes in highway design and operation. Key issues include the effects of (1) highway reliability, in the form of incident frequency, duration and reliability; and (2) changes in traveler behavior, in the forms of arrival time choice and reneging.

Human Driver Model Development

Cody, Delphine
Tan, Swekuang
Garcia, Aurelien

This report presents the continuation of the development of a naturalistic driver model (PADRIC) initiated under MOU 369 Human driver model. The development consists of increasing the scope of simulation capabilities to lane-change maneuvers and gathering data for the calibration of the car-following mode already implemented. The first part of the report presents the development of the model architecture for integrating lane change maneuver. The second part is focused on the data collection that was conducted and proposes a discussion of the method and shortcoming for gathering the data of...

Intelligent Cruise Control Systems And Traffic Flow Stability

Darbha, Swaroop
Rajagopal, K.r.

In analogy to the flow of fluids, it is expected that the aggregate density and the velocity of vehicles in a section of a freeway adequately describe the traffic flow dynamics. The conservation of mass equation together with the aggregation of the vehicle following dynamics of controlled vehicles describes the evolution of the traffic density and the aggregate speed of a traffic flow. There are two kinds of stability associated with traffic flow problems - string stability (or car-following stability) and traffic flow stability. We make a clear distinction between traffic flow stability...

Institutional Aspects of Bus Rapid Transit Operation

Miller, Mark A
Buckley, Stephen M.

This report presents the findings of its investigation of institutional aspects of bus rapid transit (BRT) through both a macroscopic examination, a survey of members of the U.S. Bus Rapid Transit Consortium and several Canadian transit properties, and a more focused site-specific examination of three California BRT systems. The macroscopic examination resulted from a literature review, project team brainstorming meetings, and input from the Federal Transit Administration. Several dozen issues were identified and were grouped into nine categories that formed the basis of the survey:...