Evaluation Of The Freeway Service Patrol ( F S P ) In Los Angeles


This report presents the results of a study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the freeway service patrols (FSP) on a section of I-10 in Los Angeles. An evaluation methodology was used to estimate incident delays based on loop detector data and probe vehicles, and derive estimates of savings in performance measures in the absence of data for before FSP conditions. The estimated benefit cost ratios based on delay and fuel savings for a range of typical reductions in incident durations indicate that FSP produces significant benefits at the test site. Additional benefits include reductions in air pollutant emissions, secondary accidents, highway patrol time used on non-enforcement activities, increased safety to assisted motorists, and more efficient operation of the freeway system.

Skabardonis, Alexander
Petty, Karl
Varaiya, Pravin
Bertini, Robert
Publication date: 
September 1, 1998
Publication type: 
Research Report
Skabardonis, A., Petty, K., Varaiya, P., & Bertini, R. (1998). Evaluation Of The Freeway Service Patrol ( F S P ) In Los Angeles (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-98-31). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3920p806