Safety and Other Impacts of Vehicle Impound Enforcement


California vehicle impound law took affect on January 1, 1995. The law allows a police officer to seize a vehicle operated by a person whose license is suspended or revoked or who has never been issued a license. The seized vehicle shall then be impounded for 30 days. In California, a driver must be stopped for some other infraction before his/her license can be checked. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the impact of Upland's vehicle impound program on traffic safety (crashes and on-the-road behavior) and police department resources and operations.

Cooper, Douglas
Chira-Chavala, T.
Gillen, David
Publication date: 
January 31, 2002
Publication type: 
Research Report
Cooper, D., Chira-Chavala, T., & Gillen, D. (2002). Safety and Other Impacts of Vehicle Impound Enforcement.