Walking is among the common transportation methods utilized by children to commute between home and school. Previous research indicates children’s intrapsychic characteristics such as self-efficacy play an important role in their decision to walk to/from school. Few studies have addressed the role of parent self-efficacy in these decisions. Furthermore, environmental factors such as neighborhood safety have mixed effects on children’s decision to walk to/from school
Publication date:
March 26, 2015
Publication type:
Conference Paper
Shen, J., Sisiopiku, V., Rodriguez, D., Combs, T., Godbole, M., & Schwebel, D. (2015, March 26). The Influence of Self-efficacy and Perceived Safety in Neighborhood on Children’s Frequency of Walking to/from School. https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=YmyOoaYAAAAJ&cstart=300&pagesize=100&citation_for_view=YmyOoaYAAAAJ:UarirCmVI0EC