
Title Author Year Publication type
3rd Annual Shared Micromobility State of the Industry Report North American Bikeshare & Scooter Share Association (NABSA) 2021 Research Report
An Initial Assessment of the Potential Weather Barriers of Urban Air Mobility Reiche, Colleen PhD; Cohen, Adam; Fernando, Chris 2021 Journal Article
Future of Public Transit and Shared Mobility: Scenario Planning for COVID-19 Recovery Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Wong, Stephen, PhD 2021 Research Report
Caltrans Connected and Automated Vehicle Strategic Plan McKeever, Ben; Wang, Peggy; West, Tom 2020 Research Report
Streamlining Connected Automated Vehicle Test Data Collection and Evaluation in the Hardware-in-the-Loop Environment Fu, Zhe; Liu, Hao, PhD; Lu, Xiao-Yun, PhD 2020 Research Report
Public Transit and Shared Mobility COVID-19 Recovery: Policy Options and Research Needs Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Wong, Stephen, PhD 2020 Research Report
Hybrid Data Implementation: Final Report for Task Number 3643 Khan, Sakib Mahmud, PhD; Fournier, Nicholas, PhD; Mauch, Michael, PhD; Patire, Anthony D, PhD; Skabardonis, Alex, PhD 2020 Research Report
Mobility on Demand (MOD) Demonstration: Valley Metro Mobility Platform Evaluation Report Cordahi, Gustave; Shaheen, Susan; Martin, Elliot 2020 Research Report
Energy Efficiency - Innovations: Driving Prosperity, Slashing Emissions Shaheen, Susan; Cohen, Adam 2020 Book Chapter
Mobility on Demand (MOD) Demonstration: Valley Metro Mobility Platform Evaluation Report Martin, Elliot; Yassine, Ziad; Cohen, Adam; Shaheen, Susan 2020 Research Report
Trust and Compassion in Willingness to Share Mobility and Sheltering Resources in Evacuations: A case Study of the 2017 and 2018 California Wildfires Wong, Steven D.; Walker, Joan L.; Shaheen, Susan A. 2020 Journal Article
A Checklist of Immediate Actions for Addressing COVID-19 as Part of Evacuation Planning Wong, Stephen; Broader, Jacquelyn; Shaheen, Susan, PhD 2020 Research Report
A Checklist of Immediate Actions for Addressing COVID-19 as Part of Evacuation Planning Wong, Stephen; Broader, Jacquelyn; Shaheen, Susan, PhD 2020 Research Report
Compliance, Congestion, and Social Equity: Tackling Critical Evacuation Challenges through the Sharing Economy, Joint Choice Modeling, and Regret Minimization Wong, Stephen D. 2020 Research Report
Compliance, Congestion, and Social Equity: Tackling Critical Evacuation Challenges through the Sharing Economy, Joint Choice Modeling, and Regret Minimization Wong, Stephen D. 2020 Research Report
Synthesis of State-Level Planning and Strategic Actions on Automated Vehicles: Lessons and Policy Guidance for California Wong, Stephen; Shaheen, Susan, PhD 2020 Research Report
Forecasting Truck Parking Using Fourier Transformations Sadek, Bassel A.; Martin, Elliot W.; Shaheen, Susan A. 2020 Journal Article
A Revealed Preference Methodology to Evaluate Regret Minimization with Challenging Choice Sets: A Wildfire Evacuation Case Study Wong, Steven D.; Chorus, Caspar G.; Shaheen, Susan A.; Walker, Joan L. 2020 Journal Article
An Evaluation of Free-Floating Carsharing in Oakland, California Martin, Elliot, PhD; Pan, Alexandra; Shaheen, Susan 2020 Research Report
Can Sharing Economy Platforms Increase Social Equity for Vulnerable Populations in Disaster Response and Relief? A Case Study of the 2017 and 2018 California Wildfires Wong, Steven D.; Broader, Jacquelyn C.; Shaheen, Susan A. 2020 Journal Article
Bridging the Gap Between Evacuations and the Sharing Economy Wong, Steven D.; Walker, Joan L.; Shaheen, Susan A. 2020 Journal Article
Micromobility Evolution and Expansion: Understanding How Docked and Dockless Bikesharing Models Complement and Compete – A Case Study of San Francisco Lazarus, Jessica; Pourquier, Jean Carpentier; Feng, Frank; Hammel, Henry; Shaheen, Susan 2020 Journal Article
Innovative Mobility: Carsharing Outlook Carsharing Market Overview, Analysis, And Trends. Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Cohen, Adam 2020 Research Report
Innovative Mobility: Carsharing Outlook Carsharing Market Overview, Analysis, And Trends. Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Cohen, Adam 2020 Research Report
Mobility on Demand in the United States Shaheen, Susan A.; Cohen, Adam 2020 Book Chapter
Review of California Wildfire Evacuations from 2017 to 2019 Wong, Stephen D.; Broader, Jacquelyn C.; Shaheen, Susan A., PhD 2020 Research Report
Mobility on Demand Planning and Implementation: Current Practices, Innovations, and Emerging Mobility Futures Shaheen, Susan; Cohen, Adam; Broader, Jacquelyn; Davis, Richard; Brown, Les; Neelakantan, Radha; Gopalakrishna, Deepak 2020 Research Report
Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstration: Bay Area Rapid Transit Integrated Carpool to Transit Access Program Evaluation Report Martin, Elliot; Cohen, Adam; Yassine, Ziad; Brown, Les; Shaheen, Susan 2020 Research Report
Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstration: BART Integrated Carpool to Transit Access Program, Final Report Nabti, Jumana 2020 Research Report
Fleeing from Hurricane Irma: Empirical Analysis of Evacuation Behavior Using Discrete Choice Theory Wong, Steven D.; Pel, Adam J.; Shaheen, Susan A. 2020 Journal Article
Reimagining the Future of Transportation with Personal Flight: Preparing and Planning for Urban Air Mobility Cohen, Adam; Guan, Justin; Beamer, Matthew; Dittoe, Ryan; Mokhtarimousavi, Seyedmirsajad 2020 Conference Paper
Zero-emission vehicle exposure within U.S. carsharing fleets and impacts on sentiment toward electric-drive vehicles Shaheen, Susan; Martin, Elliot; Totte, Hannah 2020 Journal Article
Ridesharing (Carpooling and Vanpooling) Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Cohen, Adam; Randolph, Michael; Farrar, Emily; Davis, Richard; Nichols, Aqshems 2019 Policy Brief
Policy Brief: Social Equity Impacts of Congestion Management Strategies Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Stocker, Adam; Meza, Ruth 2019 Research Report
Shared Mobility Policy Playbook Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Cohen, Adam; Randolph, Michael; Farrar, Emily; Davis, Richard; Nichols, Aqshems 2019 Policy Brief
Chapter 3 - Mobility on Demand (MOD) and Mobility as a Service (MaaS): Early Understanding of Shared Mobility Impacts and Public Transit Partnerships Shaheen, Susan; Cohen, Adam 2019 Book Chapter
Carsharing Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Cohen, Adam; Randolph, Michael; Farrar, Emily; Davis, Richard; Nichols, Aqshems 2019 Policy Brief
Microtransit Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Cohen, Adam; Randolph, Michael; Farrar, Emily; Davis, Richard; Nichols, Aqshems 2019 Policy Brief
Social Equity Impacts of Congestion Management Strategies Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Stocker, Adam; Meza, Ruth 2019 Journal Article
Shared Mobility and Urban Form Impacts: A Case Study of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Carsharing in the US Shaheen, Susan; Martin, Elliot; Hoffman-Stapleton, Mikaela 2019 Journal Article
Mobility and Energy Impacts of Shared Automated Vehicles: A Review of Recent Literature Shaheen, Susan; Bouzaghrane, Mahamed Amine 2019 Journal Article
An Evaluation of Via Rideshare Service in West Sacramento: An Exploratory Analysis Through Surveys and Expert Interviews Martin, Elliot, PhD; Nichols, Aqshems; Shaheen, Susan, PhD 2019 Research Report
Chapter 6: Mobility on Demand: Evolving and Growing Shared Mobility in the Suburbs of Northern Virginia Shaheen, Susan; Cohen, Adam; Farrar, Emily 2019 Book Chapter
Chapter 13 - Sharing Strategies: Carsharing, Shared Micromobility (Bikesharing and Scooter Sharing), Transportation Network Companies, Microtransit, and other Innovative Mobility Modes Shaheen, Susan; Cohen, Adam; Chan, Nelson; Bansal, Apaar 2019 Book Chapter
Carsharing's Impact and Future Shaheen, Susan; Cohen, Adam; Farrar, Emily 2019 Journal Article
“Three Ps in a MOD:” Role for Mobility on Demand (MOD) Public-Private Partnerships in Public Transit Provision Lucken, Emma; Trapenberg Frick, Karen; Shaheen, Susan 2019 Journal Article
Current State of the Sharing Economy and Evacuations: Lessons from California Wong, Stephen; Shaheen, Susan, PhD 2019 Research Report
Leveraging the Sharing Economy to Expand Shelter and Transportation Resources in California Evacuations Wong, Stephen; Shaheen, Susan 2019 Policy Brief
Shared Mobility Policy and Modeling Workshop Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Cohen, Adam; Farrar, Emily 2019 Policy Brief
Shared Micromoblity Policy Toolkit: Docked and Dockless Bike and Scooter Sharing Shaheen, Susan, PhD; Cohen, Adam 2019 Policy Brief