Behavioral and Sociodemographic Impacts of Carsharing


The growth of carsharing in North America since the service was first introduced in 1994 has had notable impacts on travel behaviour, including vehicle ownership and modal shift. Existing forms of carsharing (e.g., roundtrip, one-way, and peer-to-peer) alter the conventional cost structure of driving from one of fixed cost to variable cost. Multiple studies have shown that overall, carsharing users increase public transit and non-motorized modal use, with some users also selling their vehicle or postponing future vehicle purchases as a result of being a carsharing member. These modal impacts have led to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions associated with driving. Further, research has shown that carsharing may provide additional accessibility to individuals without a personal vehicle. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the travel behaviour impacts of carsharing and findings on the demographics of carsharing users.

Shaheen, Susan A.
Pan, Alexandra
Publication date: 
April 1, 2024
Publication type: 
Book Chapter
Shaheen, S. A., & Pan, A. (2024). Behavioral and Sociodemographic Impacts of Carsharing. In Handbook of Travel Behavior.