The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the travel and emissions impacts of urban freeway automation scenarios and to compare these to travel demand reduction scenarios, such as travel pricing and land use intensification. The Sacramento regional travel demand model set was used and an alternatives analysis was conducted. Two protocols are used to operate the model set. Results are discussed, comparing the alternative scenarios, and methodological findings are discussed, comparing the results from the two protocols for operating the model set. Methodological findings present new ideas of interest to modelers regarding the differential effects of congestion on the various alternatives.
Publication date:
October 1, 1993
Publication type:
Research Report
Johnston, R. A., & Ceerla, R. (1993). A Continuing Systems-level Evaluation Of Automated Urban Freeways: Year Three (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-93-15). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0gv0s4x4