Shared Automated Mobility: Early Exploration and Potential Impacts


Automated vehicles, if shared, have the potential to blur the lines between public and private transportation services. This chapter reviews possible future shared automated vehicle (SAV) business models and their potential impacts on travel behavior. By examining the impacts of non-automated shared mobility services like carsharing and ridesourcing, we foster a better understanding of how current shared mobility services affect user behavior. This serves as a starting point to explore the potential impact of SAV services. Several key studies covering the topic are discussed. Although the future of SAVs is uncertain, this chapter begins the dialogue around SAV business models that may develop, which are informed by current shared mobility services.

Stocker, Adam
Shaheen, Susan
Publication date: 
June 1, 2017
Publication type: 
Book Chapter
Stocker, A., & Shaheen, S. (2017). Shared Automated Mobility: Early Exploration and Potential Impacts. In Road Vehicle Automation 4.