Sustainable Operation of Arterial Networks


This report describes operational data analysis and modeling of arterial networks with signalized intersections as follows: The setup for data collection, analysis and simulation is presented in Section 2.1. Detailed analysis of collected signal phasing and traffic data is provided in section 2.2. Arterial traffic and platoon modeling is described in Section 2.3. Simulation results of the Rollins Park network is discussed in Section 2.4. Research conducted under this task is an important stepping stone for building a three-level information and control system for urban networks with high-density traffic. In this task researchers focused on elements of link-level information (signal phasing and timing (SPaT) estimation and prediction) and vehicle-level control (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC)). In SPaT analysis researchers presented several novel algorithms to estimate the residual duration of a signal phase for a semi-actuated intersection. These algorithms predict the times for all future phase transitions, based on previous phase measurements and on the real time information that locates the current time within the current phase. With respect to the vehicle-level control, researchers analyzed sensitivity of intersection throughput to car following models and related parameters. The Improved Intelligent Driver Model (IIDM) was chosen for traffic simulation. Finally, researchers implemented the platoon model in Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) and tested it in simulation of scenarios on Rollins Park network.

Kalathil, Dileep
Kurzhanskiy, Alex A.
Varaiya, Pravin
Publication date: 
July 9, 2017
Publication type: 
Research Report
Kalathil, D., Kurzhanskiy, A. A., & Varaiya, P. (2017). Sustainable Operation of Arterial Networks (Nos. CA17-3001).