Planning the Development of a Commercial Motor Vehicle Virtual Weigh Station Technology Testbed


This report describes the issues associated with planning the development of a technology testbed for Virtual Weigh Stations in California. These issues may be organized into the following categories: system design and architecture, operational environment, siting & location, data collection, functional requirements and options, technology requirements and options, identification  of  stakeholders,  operational  testing  and  evaluation  (operational  scenarios,  performance measures, benefits & costs), and business case development. The authors took a high-level perspective in writing this report and it serves as an initial stage tool that provides a “laundry list” of VWS technology testbed issues for Caltrans to consider when the appropriate time arrives to actually implement such a testbed.

Miller, Mark A.
Sharafsaleh, Ashkan
Publication date: 
March 1, 2010
Publication type: 
Research Report
Miller, M. A., & Sharafsaleh, A. (2010). Planning the Development of a Commercial Motor Vehicle Virtual Weigh Station Technology Testbed (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-2010-27).