Small and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (SB/DBE) Issues in Caltrans Contract and Bid Process


This Preliminary Investigation document, on one hand, outlines challenges encountered by SB/DBEs in the process of getting certified, entering into a contract, executing on projects or delivering services, and sustaining or growing their business. On the other hand, it summarizes OCR’s current ongoing efforts that are aiming to expand contracting with SB/DBEs. Along the way it identifies opportunities that warrant more in-depth investigation for OCR to target its programming and resource allocation as it aims to reduce obstacles or otherwise improve the ability of SBs/DBEs to successfully contract with Caltrans.

Tommelein, Iris D. PhD
Gazzaniga, Tyler
Publication date: 
September 1, 2022
Publication type: 
Research Report
Tommelein, I. D., & Gazzaniga, T. (2022). Small and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (SB/DBE) Issues in Caltrans Contract and Bid Process.