Effects of an urban cable car intervention on physical activity: the TrUST natural experiment in Bogotá, Colombia


Cable cars are part of the transport system in several cities in Latin America, but no evaluations of their effects on physical activity are available. TransMiCable is the first cable car in Bogotá, Colombia, and the wider intervention includes renovated parks and playgrounds. We assessed the effects of TransMiCable and the wider intervention on physical activity. The Urban Transformations and Health natural experiment was a prospective quasi-experimental study conducted from Feb 1, 2018, to Dec 18, 2018 (baseline, pre-intervention) and from July 2, 2019, to March 15, 2020 (post-intervention follow-up) in the TransMiCable intervention area (Ciudad Bolívar settlement) and a control area without TransMiCable (San Cristóbal settlement). A multistage strategy was used to sample households in each area, with one adult (aged ≥18 years) per household invited to participate. Eligible participants had lived in the intervention or control areas for at least 2 years and were not planning to move within the next 2 years. Physical activity was assessed among participants in the intervention and control areas before and after the inauguration of TransMiCable in Ciudad Bolívar with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (long form) and with wearable accelerometers. Complete cases (those with baseline and follow-up data) were included in analyses. Respondents were classed as being physically active if they met 2020 WHO guidelines (≥150 min per week of moderate activity, ≥75 min per week of vigorous activity, or equivalent combinations); and accelerometery data were classified with the Freedson cut-points for adults. Data were also gathered in zonal parks (area ≥10 000 m2) and neighbourhood parks (area <10 000 m2) in the intervention and control areas by direct observation with the System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities, to assess levels of physical activity before and after the TransMiCable intervention. Multilevel regression models were used to assess changes in physical activity associated with the TransMiCable intervention.

Baldovino-Chiquillo, L
Sarmiento, OL
O’Donovan, G
Wilches-Mogollon, M
Aguilar, A
Florez-Pregonero, A
Martinez, M
Arellana, J
Guzman, L
Yamada, G
Rodriguez, D
Roux, AV Diez
Publication date: 
August 1, 2023
Publication type: 
Journal Article
Baldovino-Chiquillo, L., Sarmiento, O., O’Donovan, G., & ... (2023). Effects of an urban cable car intervention on physical activity: The TrUST natural experiment in Bogotá, Colombia. The Lancet Global Health 11 (8), E1290-, Query date: 2024-12-09 21:28:55, 1300.