Faculty/Lead Researcher

Jonathan Lee

Senior Engineering Manager & Project Manager
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Lead Researcher

Jonathan Lee is a Senior Engineering Manager & Project Manager at the University of California, Berkeley. He received his B.S. degree in Engineering Physics from UC Berkeley in 2006 and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Rice University in 2009 and 2011, respectively. He completed his postdoctoral appointment at Sandia National Laboratories in 2013. After a five year stint as a data scientist and product manager at Uber Technologies, Inc., he re-joined academia to manage the CIRCLES project at...

Margaretta Lin

Lecturer; IURD Principal Investigator
Institute of Urban and Regional Development
City and Regional Planning

Margaretta Lin received her J.D. from Berkeley Law and a Masters in Asian Studies from UC Berkeley. She is a Lecturer in City and Regional Planning and Future Histories Lab. Margaretta is also the founding director of Just Cities, a leading racial justice planning and policy organization. Just Cities recently designed and organized the passage of the nation’s north star fair chance housing policies, removing structural discrimination and recognizing the humanity of people harmed by mass incarceration and racism. Informed by family experiences of war and brutal occupation in her home...

Hao Liu

Research Engineer
Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology
Lead Researcher

Dr. Hao Liu is an Assistant Research Engineer with PATH. He is passionate about extending the traffic flow modeling capability by incorporating latest technology advancements in CAV control, communication, and machine learning. With the modeling tools, he wanted to find out the best traffic operation and management strategies that maximize the benefit of the CAV technologies. He wishes to promote the CAV development, evaluation and deployment by helping researchers over the world implement the PATH simulation models in their tailored CAV studies. Dr. Liu received B.S. in Transportation...

Xiao-Yun Lu

Lead Researcher
Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology

Dr. Xiao-Yun Lu is currently a Research Engineer at California PATH. He has over 30 years experiences in systems modeling, measurement, estimation, simulation, optimization, control, and real-time implementation; vehicle and highway automation – automated vehicle (passenger cars and heavy-duty vehicles) dynamics modeling, control design and implementation; energy consumption of automated vehicles and traffic systems for eco-driving; traffic monitoring, sensor detection and fusion; traffic system modeling, estimation, control and optimization (Coordinated Ramp Metering and Variable...

Jane Macfarlane

Smart Cities Director
Lead Researcher
ITS Berkeley
Smart Cities Research Center
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Jane Macfarlane, PhD holds a joint appointment at the University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where she is the Director of the Smart Cities and Sustainable Mobility Center.

Dr. Macfarlane has over 30 years of experience in high performance computing, data analytics and geospatial mapping. Macfarlane has been responsible for directing industry research groups including: Head of Research for HERE – a leader in geospatial mapping, Vice President of Process Engineering at Imara – a lithium ion battery company, and Director of Advanced...

Elliot Martin

Research and Development Engineer
Transportation Sustainability Research Center
Lead Researcher

Elliot Martin conducts research in shared-use mobility, public and freight transportation, transportation energy, and life-cycle assessment. He has advanced research that measures the impact of shared mobility systems on greenhouse gas emissions, modal shift, and household vehicle holdings. He has led a major research-deployment project on truck parking availability within California, analyzed data from urban parking systems, and supported research in advanced and alternative fuel vehicles. He specializes in research instrument design and applies statistical approaches to the...

Huadong (Joshua) Meng

Assistant Research Engineer
Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology
Lead Researcher

Dr. Huadong (Joshua) Meng is an Assistant Research Engineer with the California PATH program at the University of California, Berkeley. He received his B.S. in Engineering and Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1999 and 2004, respectively. In 2004, he joined the faculty of Tsinghua University, where he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering until 2015. Additionally, Dr. Meng was a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the IET International Radar Conference in 2013 and 2015.

In 2015, he...

Anthony Patire

Research & Development Engineer
Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology
Lead Researcher
Having earned Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Anthony brings two years of experience in satellite telecommunication systems engineering, and three years of experience in embedded systems hardware design. While building an on-chip bus architecture to handle the logistical problem of moving bits between multiple consumers and producers of data, he became interested in pursuing analogous problems moving people between origins and destinations in the physical world. Mr. Patire completed his Ph.D. in...

Lisa Peterson

Communications and Outreach Lead
Safe Transportation Research and Education Center
ITS Morale Committee
Lead Researcher

Lisa is the Communications and Outreach Lead for SafeTREC and manages center communications for outreach, social media, and two traffic safety related websites. Prior to SafeTREC, Lisa worked at the Center for Public Health Practice and Leadership at Berkeley Public Health, where she lead center communications, was co- instructor for courses on health communications and professional development, and coordinated a new media training series. She has also conducted community based public health research, produced videos, led trainings, and coordinated health communication...

Alison Post

Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Global Metropolitan Studies

Alison Post is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Global Metropolitan Studies, and Co-Director of the Global Metropolitan Studies Program. Her research lies at the intersection of comparative urban politics and comparative political economy, with regional emphases on Latin America and South Asia. It examines several related themes: the politics of regulating privatized infrastructure, the varying ability of subnational governments to provide infrastructure services effectively following the...