This study examines how park use may be associated with perceived park proximity, neighborhood-built environment and perceived social disorder in Latin American cities. The study uses self-reported data from the 2016 CAF survey, including 7,970 urban residents from 11 cities across Latin America. Results show positive graded associations between perceived park proximity and use, holding all others constant. Additional factors that were found to be associated with park use are neighborhood formality and related built-environment characteristics, including paved streets and sidewalks. Park use was mostly unrelated to perceived social disorder, with the exception of indigence, with which it is was positively associated. Stronger associations between park proximity and use were observed among those who reported higher prevalence of indigence or begging in their household block. These findings stress the importance of perceived park proximity in enhancing their use in urban Latin America, and challenge the role of social disorder and crime as a barrier for park use.
Publication date:
October 1, 2020
Publication type:
Journal Article
Moran, M., Rodríguez, D., Cotinez-O’Ryan, A., & Miranda, J. (2020). Park use, perceived park proximity, and neighborhood characteristics: Evidence from 11 cities in Latin America. Cities, 105(Query date: 2024-12-09 21:28:55), 102817–102817.