Development and Testing of Field-Deployable Real-Time Laser-Based Non-Intrusive Detection System for Measurement of True Travel Time on the Highway

Cheng, Harry H.
Shaw, Ben
Palen, Joe
Hu, Xudong
Lin, Bin
Larson, Jonathan E.
Van Katwyk, Kirk

We have developed a field prototype of a laser-based non-intrusive detection system for real-time measurement of delineations of moving vehicles for highway testing, based on our previous research on the laboratory prototype of the system. The primary goal of this project is to develop a roadway detection system that can be used to gather reliable travel time data non-intrusively. The system uses a laser line that is projected onto the ground as a probe. The reflected light is collected and focused into a photodiode array by an optical system. Vehicle presence is detected based on the...

Dynamic All-Red Extension at Signalized Intersection: Probabilistic Modeling and Algorithm

Zhang, Liping
Zhou, Kun
Zhang, Wei-Bin
Misener, James A.

Dynamic All-Red Extension (DARE) has recently attracted research interest as a non-traditional intersection collision avoidance method. We propose a probabilistic model to predict red light running (RLR) hazard for dynamic all-red extension system. The RLR hazard, quantified by a predicted encroachment time, has contributory factors including the speed, distance and car-following status of the violator and the empirical distribution of the entry time of conflict traffic. An offline data analysis procedure is developed to set the parameters for RLR hazard prediction. Online-wise, a two-...

Evaluate IST-222 Loop Detector System

Gomes, Gabriel

This report documents work performed under PATH Task Order 5314. The objective of this project has been to assess the potential benefits of a new loop detector card manufactured by Inductive Signal Technologies: the IST-222. The attractive features of this card include a) automatic detection of interference from nearby detectors, b) automatic sensitivity selection, c) high sample rates, d) real time noise attenuation, e) vehicle classification, and f) a USB port on the front panel. The evaluation was carried out in three phases: 1) a simple replacement of existing cards with new IST-222...

A Low-cost Wireless MeMS System for Measuring Dynamic Pavement Loads

Varaiya, Pravin

Work done under this "Innovative Proposal" may be summarized as follows. A closed-form series solution is provided for the displacement of a pavement loaded by a truck modeled as an Euler beam with elastic foundation under a moving load. A method is developed to estimate the load based on accelerometer measurements. Lastly, it was found that the measurement system that we built was not suited for the problem at hand because the accelerometer bandwidth was too high and the system could not isolate the accelerometer from ambient noise. This led to a new measurement system design. However,...

CARTESIUS and CTNET - Integration and Field Operational Test

McNally, Michael G.
Rindt, Craig R.

This report describes the conclusion of PATH Task Order 6324: CARTESIUS and CTNET---Field Operational Test. We describe the results of the multi-year project focused on integrating Caltrans primary signal management system, CTNET, with a major product from the Caltrans ATMS Testbed: the Coordinated Adaptive Real-Time Expert System for Incident management in Urban Systems, or more simply, CARTESIUS. The major products of this research include numerous software products for integrating CTNET with field devices, simulation software, with other traffic management systems in general, and with a...

Red-Light-Running Collision Avoidance: Final Report

Grembek, Offer
Zhou, Kun
Li, Irene
Li, Meng
Zhang, Wei-Bin
Zou, Zhijun

Red-Light-Running (RLR) is the leading cause of urban crashes. This report presents the findings from an investigation of signal control-related countermeasures to reduce the occurrences of RLR and related collisions. The objectives of this study were to identify and evaluate potential modifications to signal timing schemes in reducing the frequency of RLR and to develop online adaptive RLR collision avoidance algorithms to reduce the possibility of RLR collisions. High quality, second-by-second vehicle count and signal timing and phasing data were collected at arterial intersections. A...

Enabling Accelerated Installation of Aftermarket On-Board Equipment for Connected Vehicles

Chan, Ching-Yao

This report summarizes previous findings and describes recent developments with regards to rapid introduction of aftermarket on-board equipment (OBE) devices for connected vehicles to the vehicle fleet. An integration assessment for aftermarket OBE devices will be discussed. An analysis of outside market forces that may affect driver adoption of connected vehicle technologies is shared. Finally, recommendations are provided for strategic approaches to foster the rapid introduction of aftermarket OBE devices and garner consumer interests to purchase these devices.

Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) for Truck Platooning: Operational Concept Alternatives

Nowakowski, Christopher
Shladover, Steven E.
Lu, Xiao-Yun
Thompson, Deborah
Kailas, Aravind

Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) provides an intermediate step toward a longer-term vision of trucks operating in closely-coupled automated platoons. There are important distinctions between CACC and automated truck platooning. First, with CACC, only truck speed control will be automated, using vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication to supplement forward sensors. The drivers will still be responsible for actively steering the vehicle, lane keeping, and monitoring roadway and traffic conditions. Second, while truck platooning systems have relied on a Constant Distance Gap (CDG)...

Evaluation of the Bay Area Incident Response System (BAIRS)

Mauch, Michael
Chung, Koohong
Ahn, Soyoung
Skabardonis, Alexander

The Bay Area Incident Response System (BAIRS) is an integrated Web and GIS based incident tracking system that provides tools to improve California’s Department of Transportation (Caltrans) incident management capabilities. Currently, BAIRS aids District 4 Maintenance respond to and track over 33,000 incidents per year throughout the San Francisco Bay area.The report presents the findings from the evaluation of the BAIRS system based on field data on incidents and traffic conditions. Through the implementation of BAIRS, incident response and clearance times were reduced by about 15%....

San Diego I-15 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) System: Stage II (Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation)

Miller, Mark A.
Skabardonis, Alexander

This report describes the Stage II work –Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation(AMS) – to date of the US Department of Transportation’s (DOT) federally-sponsored Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Program for the I-15 Corridor in San Diego County, California, between State Route 163in the city of San Diego and State Route 78 in the city of Escondido. Stage II of the federal ICM Program involves performing the analysis, modeling, and simulation work for the I-15 corridor in San Diego County. Major tasks in Stage II consist of data collection, tools and software support, models validation and...