A Comparative Systems-level Analysis: Automated Freeways, Hov Lanes, Transit Expansion, Pricing Policies And Land Use Intensification


The focus of this project was to examine the potential travel, emissions, and consumer benefits of advanced freeway automation and travel demand management measures. The Sacramento Regional Travel Demand model (SACMET 95) was used to simulate the travel effects of travel demand management measures in the Sacramento region for a twenty year time horizon. The scenarios examined included various combinations of automated freeways, new High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, transit, land use intensification, and pricing policies.

Johnston, Robert
Publication date: 
April 7, 1997
Publication type: 
Research Report
Johnston, R. (1997). A Comparative Systems-level Analysis: Automated Freeways, Hov Lanes, Transit Expansion, Pricing Policies And Land Use Intensification (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-97-17). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6mt9f54w